09-11-2009, 08:31 AM
Multiple Controllers of Wind-Induced Oscillations of a Long Span Bridge
Four short articles are posted here (One in Portuguese):
1- Multiple Controllers of Wind-Induced Oscillations of a Long Span Bridge:
A new system of multiple synchronized dynamic attenuators (MSDA) has been installed in the Rio-Niteroi bridge to prevent that cross-winds of relatively low velocities set into vortex-induced oscillations the lightly damped and remarkably long three continuous spans of the world’s largest steel twin-box-girder bridge. The conceptual design of this passive control system, together with its main geometric and physical characteristics, are briefly described herein. A short account is given on how an experimentally calibrated mathematical-numerical model for the aeroelastic problem, combined with optimization techniques, were used to assist in designing feasible mechanical control devices to upgrade the serviceability of this bridge and users’ comfort. The performance of the MSDA system is demonstrated through experimental measurements and comparisons of numerical results obtained for time responses of the original and the controlled structure.
2-Structural monitoring of the world largest span steel box-girder bridge:
A concise description is given of the automatic monitoring system installed in the Rio-Niteroi Bridge, through which the dynamic signals of about two hundred sensors are acquired, simultaneously processed in a network of interlinked remote substations and sent off 4.5 km away through fiber optic cable to the operation control center located on land. It is also given a brief account on how the structural monitoring has allowed the performance assessment of the implemented solutions to enhance the bridge behaviour and its service life, i.e. the one to increase the fatigue life of the steel deck structure under traffic loading and the other to attenuate the vortex-induced oscillations of the steel bridge structure.
3-A complete article published at "Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics" and,
4- A Portuguese version of "Multiple Controllers of Wind-Induced Oscillations of a Long Span Bridge" with more pictures.
![[Image: nhyu38vjrl9ztw20ebap.png]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/nhyu38vjrl9ztw20ebap.png)
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