03-15-2012, 11:31 AM
I suggest the following (it is not well though, just an idea after reading the forum for several years, and this thread, particularly).
What I prefer is to receive an e-mail from the forum robot, that there is a new post in the thread of requesting ScienceDirect articles. I know that I have access to these articles, so I can fulfill almost every request for such item.
What I don't prefer, is when checking for the new posts of the day to see new thread named "Please help!" (only this!!!) or "Bridge under earthquake", and starting such thread the requester asks for an article, and because I am not interested in bridges, or helping "dying people" - I will not open and read the thread at all. So the "requester" will not get the article.
Also I don't think it is a good idea to restrict new users, or users with many requests. I.e. you need many articles. Why not to post a request for all of these, and hope that at some of them could be found? This is not wrong. But the user should do it in good manner. I.e. starting a thread "I need something on seismic actions on bridges" and then in the first post to put a list of articles - it is not a good idea. It is better to add a post in some of the Scientific magazine's threads - even if you have 20-articles to request - put them in one post in the proper thread. The other option to write 20 separate posts/threads for each article separately - it is just tragic!
We (here) are not the ones to judge if somebody is good or bad. But is very easy to if somebody is impolite, doesn't have the culture to ask a simple question, even stupid. This is his personal problem, let's not make it Forum's problem. Just ignore it, delete it, keep the forum tidy, that's enough.
- Only significant material (that can be used by others, like books, software, useful calculations) has to be the reason to start a new thread. The idea of new thread is that several posts can follow in the thread, discussing new links, some questions, another editions, versions, etc.
- Insignificant materials, that were obviously needed only once, by a single person, for specific problem (like scientific articles that are usually requested because of restricted/payed access to the journals) should be given in a post in the requesting thread, not starting a new one. In this category could go i.e. single drawings, specific requests for calculation.
- The responding (contributing) author has to decide in which category goes the material he uploads. The moderators can have the final word, of course.
- If the requester started "by mistake" a new thread for very insignificant material, when there was already existing thread for such requests (i.e. asking for Scientific article, and there is already a thread for requesting articles from some of the restricted magazines), the contributing/fulfilling author (as he is the exact person to see the misplacement of the request) have to "report" the inadequate request to the moderators. This is not of big importance, of course. The idea is to reduce the number of insignificant threads, and also if somebody is subscribed to a thread (like me) to see if there is a request that he can fulfill immediately.
What I prefer is to receive an e-mail from the forum robot, that there is a new post in the thread of requesting ScienceDirect articles. I know that I have access to these articles, so I can fulfill almost every request for such item.
What I don't prefer, is when checking for the new posts of the day to see new thread named "Please help!" (only this!!!) or "Bridge under earthquake", and starting such thread the requester asks for an article, and because I am not interested in bridges, or helping "dying people" - I will not open and read the thread at all. So the "requester" will not get the article.
Also I don't think it is a good idea to restrict new users, or users with many requests. I.e. you need many articles. Why not to post a request for all of these, and hope that at some of them could be found? This is not wrong. But the user should do it in good manner. I.e. starting a thread "I need something on seismic actions on bridges" and then in the first post to put a list of articles - it is not a good idea. It is better to add a post in some of the Scientific magazine's threads - even if you have 20-articles to request - put them in one post in the proper thread. The other option to write 20 separate posts/threads for each article separately - it is just tragic!
We (here) are not the ones to judge if somebody is good or bad. But is very easy to if somebody is impolite, doesn't have the culture to ask a simple question, even stupid. This is his personal problem, let's not make it Forum's problem. Just ignore it, delete it, keep the forum tidy, that's enough.