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Petroleum Geology: From Mature Basins to New Frontiers (FSN,FSV)

Author: B.A. Vining and S.C. Pickering | Size: 136 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: Geological Society Publishing House | Year: Nov. 2010 | pages: 1208 | ISBN: 1862392986 9781862392984

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These Proceedings embrace many of the world’s petroleum provinces in a two-volume set. There are sections on Europe, which still provides the heart of the Proceedings; Russia, the former Soviet Union and Circum-Arctic; North Africa and the Middle East; Passive Margins; and Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources.

The Technical and Editorial Committee
Global petroleum systems in space and time
The GeoControversies debates
Virtual fieldtrips for petroleum geoscientists
Colin Oakman core workshop
Session: Europe
Europe overview
North Sea hydrocarbon systems: some aspects of our evolving insights into a classic hydrocarbon province
The search for a Carboniferous petroleum system beneath the Central North Sea
Channel structures formed by contour currents and fluid expulsion: significance for Late Neogene development of the central North Sea basin
Source rock quality and maturity and oil types in the NW Danish Central Graben: implications for petroleum prospectivity evaluation in an Upper Jurassic sandstone play area
From thrust-and-fold belt to foreland: hydrocarbon occurrences in Italy
Upper Jurassic reservoir sandstones in the Danish Central Graben: new insights on distribution and depositional environments
Architecture of an Upper Jurassic barrier island sandstone reservoir, Danish Central Graben: implications of a Holocene–Recent analogue from the Wadden Sea
Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the Hugin Formation, Quadrant 15, Norwegian sector, South Viking Graben
Reappraisal of the sequence stratigraphy of the Humber Group of the UK Central Graben
The Huntington discoveries: efficient exploration in the UK Central North Sea
The Jasmine discovery, Central North Sea, UKCS
Prospectivity of the T38 sequence in the Northern Judd Basin
Can stratigraphic plays change the petroleum exploration outlook of the Netherlands?
Field Development and Production
Laggan; a mature understanding of an undeveloped discovery, more than 20 years old
Managing the start-up of a fractured oil reservoir: development of the Clair field, West of Shetland
Overcoming multiple uncertainties in a challenging gas development: Chiswick Field UK SNS
The Ensign enigma: improving well deliverability in a tight gas reservoir
Maximizing production and reserves from offshore heavy oil fields using seismic and drilling technology: Alba and Captain Fields, UKNS
Locating the remaining oil in the Nelson Field
The Buzzard Field: anatomy of the reservoir from appraisal to production
The Scott Field: revitalization of a mature field
Predicting production behaviour from deep HPHT Triassic reservoirs and the impact of sedimentary architecture on recovery
Sedimentology and unexpected pressure decline: the HP/HT Kristin Field
An old field in a new landscape: the renaissance of Donan
Techniques in Exploration and Exploitation
A road map for the identification and recovery of by-passed pay
Tilting oil–water contact in the chalk of Tyra Field as interpreted from capillary pressure data
A holostratigraphic approach to the chalk of the North Sea Eldfisk Field, Norway
Role of the Chalk in development of deep overpressure in the Central North Sea
Investigating fault-sealing potential through fault relative seismic volume analysis
4D acquisition and processing: a North Sea case study on the relative contributions to improved 4D repeatability
Applying time-lapse seismic methods to reservoir management and field development planning at South Arne, Danish North Sea
3D seismic mapping and porosity variation of intra-chalk units in the southern Danish North Sea
Seismic imaging of variable water layer sound speed in Rockall Trough, NE Atlantic and implications for seismic surveying in deep water
New aeromagnetic and gravity compilations from Norway and adjacent areas: methods and applications

Session: Russia, Former Soviet Union and the Circum-Arctic
Russia, FSU and the Circum-Arctic: ‘the final frontier’
Tectonic history and petroleum geology of the Russian Arctic Shelves: an overview
Assessment of undiscovered petroleum resources of the north and east margins of the Siberian craton north of the Arctic Circle
Synchronous exhumation events around the Arctic including examples from Barents Sea and Alaska North Slope
Offset and curvature of the Novaya Zemlya fold-and-thrust belt, Arctic Russia
Charging the giant gas fields of the NW Siberia basin
Session: North Africa and Middle East
Middle East and North Africa: overview
From Neoproterozoic to Early Cenozoic: exploring the potential of older and deeper hydrocarbon plays across North Africa and the Middle East
Palaeohighs: their influence on the North African Palaeozoic petroleum systems
Stratigraphic trapping potential in the Carboniferous of North Africa: developing new play concepts based on integrated outcrop sedimentology and regional sequence stratigraphy (Morocco, Algeria, Libya)
Integrated petroleum systems and play fairway analysis in a complex Palaeozoic basin: Ghadames–Illizi Basin, North Africa
Biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy and thermal maturity of the A1-NC198 exploration well in the Kufra Basin, SE Libya
Exploring subtle exploration plays in the Gulf of Suez
The hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Egyptian North Red Sea basin
A regional overview of the exploration potential of the Middle East: a case study in the application of play fairway risk mapping techniques
Appraisal and development of the Taq Taq field, Kurdistan region, Iraq
Sedimentology, geochemistry and hydrocarbon potential of the Late Cretaceous Shiranish Formation in the Euphrates Graben (Syria)
Session: Passive Margins
Passive margins: overview
Constraints on volcanism, igneous intrusion and stretching on the Rockall–Faroe continental margin
Properties and distribution of lower crustal bodies on the mid-Norwegian margin
The breakup of the South Atlantic Ocean: formation of failed spreading axes and blocks of thinned continental crust in the Santos Basin, Brazil and its consequences for petroleum system development
Structural architecture and nature of the continent–ocean transitional domain at the Camamu and Almada Basins (NE Brazil) within a conjugate margin setting
New compilation of top basement and basement thickness for the Norwegian continental shelf reveals the segmentation of the passive margin system
Some emerging concepts in salt tectonics in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico: intrusive plumes, canopy-margin thrusts, minibasin triggers and allochthonous fragments
Source-to-sink systems on passive margins: theory and practice with an example from the Norwegian continental margin
An integrated study of Permo-Triassic basins along the North Atlantic passive margin: implication for future exploration
Sedimentology, sandstone provenance and palaeodrainage on the eastern Rockall Basin margin: evidence from the Pb isotopic composition of detrital K-feldspar
Cretaceous revisited: exploring the syn-rift play of the Faroe–Shetland Basin
Timing, controls and consequences of compression in the Rockall–Faroe area of the NE Atlantic Margin
Episodic uplift and exhumation along North Atlantic passive margins: implications for hydrocarbon prospectivity
New methods of improving seismic data to aid understanding of passive margin evolution: a series of case histories from offshore west of Ireland
WATS it take to image an oil field subsalt offshore Angola?
Sub-basalt hydrocarbon prospectivity in the Rockall, Faroe–Shetland and Møre basins, NE Atlantic
Intra-basalt units and base of the volcanic succession east of the Faroe Islands exemplified by interpretation of offshore 3D seismic data
Exploring for gas: the future for Angola
Session: Unconventional Hydrocarbons Resources
Unconventional oil and gas resources and the geological storage of carbon dioxide: overview
Bulk composition and phase behaviour of petroleum sourced by the Bakken Formation of the Williston Basin
Shale gas in Europe: a regional overview and current research activities
UK data and analysis for shale gas prospectivity
The Western Canada Foreland Basin: a basin-centred gas system
Tight gas exploration in the Pannonian Basin
Natural fractures in some US shales and their importance for gas production
Athabasca oil sands: reservoir characterization and its impact on thermal and mining opportunities
Resource potential of gas hydrates: recent contributions from international research and development projects
King coal: restoring the monarchy by underground gasification coupled to CCS
Geological storage of carbon dioxide: an emerging opportunity
History-matching flow simulations and time-lapse seismic data from the Sleipner CO2 plume
Differences between flow of injected CO2 and hydrocarbon migration
Preparing for a carbon constrained world; overview of the United States regional carbon sequestration partnerships programme and its Southwest Regional Partnership

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