Dear members
Please tell me which of the software selected for the design of steel structures.
I have 2 options:
Tekla structures and Advance steel.
What advantages and disadvantages which have these softwares.
or maybe you have other suggestions ?
Dear colleage,
Please note that Tekla Structures is uniquely a steel and concrete rebar software pacakage. It has connection with third party design packages like Autodesk Robot Structures and STAAD.
Concerning Graitec Advance it is constituded of three integrated packages namely:
*- Advance Structures (To compute and design of steel, reinforced concrete and timber structures.)
*- Advance Steel (To draw steel structures. it works with autocad as engine. Originally this product is of German. It was called HyperSteel. The last has been purchased by Graitec. It does the same work as Tekla. It was significantly enhanced in its new version 2012.)
*-Advance concrete (This was the first native of this series developped to automate shop drawings of reinforced concrete structures.)
For me I prefer Tekla structures for detailing my computed structures.
Y a h o o
dear friend
If you can select tekla structure, i prefer to suggest tekla to you. Tekla
is more advance and is an integrated software which you can trust on it.
Dear yanburak,
If you want to buy them:
~6000 € Advance Steel Professional (Autocad not included in price)
~17000 € Tekla Structures Steel only
For static calculation a CSI product's like Etabs or Sap price start from ~3000€ and go up to 9000€.
If Tekla had no bugs it would be the best software around for drawing basic types of structures. But tekla has lot's of bugs, each version comes with many new options (many useless) and many new bugs. e.g. I had a model once in tekla v13.1, I had to dump the model and re import it, columns/beams were appearing/disappearing. The funny thing is that most bugs show up in the last day of detailing just before drawings are sent to plotter.
I think the main question is if you want to learn it or buy it.
Y a h o o
dear friend
tekla has its own bugs like the other software. But the point is
that sometimes our knowlage abut an application is the reason of
something that we think is bug. I mean that as i see tekla 17 can handle
Our demands with no major problem.
Thank you all for your answers.
I believe that Tekla has more opportunities. Tekla - a powerful computer system which allows you to automate the calculations and technical drawing, but
Tekla software for designing structures (tupical, classic structures).
If I do the original design of the structures that I can do some designs in AutoCad and some structures in Advance steel. So I think that I will study much faster Advance steel.
I think right, or am I mistaken.
You should add Strucad in your question because it produces better construction drawings.
+ It is cheaper
+ With Advance design , you can have a structural and design software in the same platform
+ You can design much faster than Strucad
- Its construction designs sucks.
- There is a mess with codes.
i have one year of experience of advance steel and no i'm on tekla and i can say the Tekla is most powerful software and also it's true we cannot comparison of two software that contains a big difference of cost same as we can't comparison FIAT with BMW.
there is a alot of functionality and a lot of control we have with Tekla on our Model thats make our work easy. if i say in two words about these software is, "Tekla and AS is two different world of modeling".
i really enjoy Tekla.
Tekla is one of the storngest 3D modeling system overall the world
-Very Fast
-Open Resources
-Model very Light
-Build from A-to Z I mean from One Model you can do
*Construction Sequance
It is a miracel