I must add something to
ynopum post. A good encryption software that can create an encrypted virtual drive (hdd) is truecrypt. But as
ynopum said if you use encryption in case of a forensic, investigation, you'll have to provide the password, and you can't say you forgot it or don't know it. Truecrypt it's free and it's offering plausible deniability.
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Regarding the password I'm sorry to say but a ~1000$ desktop computer can crack a 8 letters+numbers password in less than a week. So you'll need a password stored in a file or as a file.
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There's a (expensive) technical solution that seems interesting for me: virtual/physical ram drive/disk.
Install all your private information on a drive in ram or a ram based storage device, so that when you'll cut the power everything will be gone, forever. It takes about 10min for ram to loose all data if it has no power so nobody can/could recover anything. OS+software could be installed on a ram storage device, in fact it will work faster than a mechanical hdd.
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Don't trust portable software, most of them leave traces in windows logs, pagefile, registry, hdd, and so one. And a virtual machine will leave traces, but very few.
An almost free virtual machine:
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You can use a virtual machine and store the virtual hdd on a fast and small memory stick, USB3.0, e.g. Kingstone DataTraveler Ultimate. Also encryption can be used for the memory stick.
In case of trouble unplug and hide the memory stick, unplug computer from power source.
Keep in mind that all running software goes in ram including virtual machine+software inside virtual machine. And parts of ram are stored in pagefile. So there are chances to get evidence of what software you're using. But less evidence to prove.
Tekla against piracy
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Just typing civilea.com in your browser can be found on your computer, on hdd in multiple places, in ram, in pagefile, and from your internet provider.
And the most important fact the guys that do computer forensic don't have to be smart geeks, there's specialized software that does most of the stuff for them. Those that make computer forensic software are real computer smart geeks and they know well all known hiding places

In my opinion encryption in not the way, as it makes people suspicious. Chained deceptions is the way will always make you appear innocent like a good politician
