01-03-2012, 12:39 PM
Underground Spaces : Design, Engineering and Environmental Aspects
Author: C.A. Brebbia, D. Kaliampakos, P. Prochazka | Size: 7.6 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: WIT Press | Year: 2008 | pages: 218 | ISBN: 978-1-84564-125-2
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This book contains some of the papers presented at the International Conference on Underground Spaces–Design, Engineering and Environmental Aspects, held on the Campus of the Wessex Institute of Technology in the New Forest. The Conference was launched to discuss not only the structural and environment material characterization aspects but also the trends regarding the development underground spaces.
Underground space development: setting modern strategies
D. Kaliampakos & A. Benardos
Blast impact on structures of underground parking
P. P. Procházka, A. N. Kravtsov & S. Peskova
Artificial intelligence in underground development: a study of TBM performance
A. Benardos
Reinforcement fibers in concrete envelopes of underground nuclear power stations
V. Doležel & P. Procházka
The hydrogeological problems of disused mines in Olgiate Molgora (LC)
L. Longoni & M. Papini
Management of complex underground construction projects
M. Leijten
Underground nuclear parks: new approach for the deployment of nuclear energy systems
C. W. Myers, J. M. Mahar, J. F. Kunze & N. Z. Elkins
Use of a numerical model for underground stability evaluation
L. Longoni & M. Papini
Tunnel face stability as a function of the purchase length
J. Trckova, P. P. Procházka & S. Peskova
3-dimensional mesh generation using the Delaunay method
R. Hoshiko & M. Kawahara
Emergency guidelines for two abandoned mines in Piani dei Resinelli area (Lecco)
M. Papini, L. Longoni & K. Dell’Orto
Damage zones near excavations: plastic solution by means of stress trajectories
P. Haderka & A. N. Galybin
CFD simulation of aerodynamic resistance in underground spaces ventilation
I. Diego, S. Torno & J. Toraño
Fragments of a buried urban past revealed through multi-layered voids hidden below the mosque of St. Daniel: the case of the underground museum in Tarsus
M. Cetin & S. Doyduk
Increase of stability of underground works
K. Weiglová & P. Procházka
Underground spaces and indoor comfort: the case of “Sassi di Matera”
A. Guida, A. Pagliuca & G. Rospi
Rock burst mechanics as a time dependent event
J. Vacek & S. Hrachová-Sedláčková
Spatial organization and economic analysis in sustainable transit oriented development
N. Mohajeri
The effect of a baffle on the heat transfer in underground auxiliary ventilation systems
S. M. Aminossadati & B. Ghasemi
Parameter identification of the elastic modulus of ground rock based on blasting using the first order adjoint method
T. Ishimoto & M. Kawahara
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