12-26-2011, 05:34 PM
Dear Admin, I have some suggestion.
That's all, I am sorry if this post annoying for others...
- Thanks Button
Look at image below, There are too many user say thanks. This is quite annoying. For me, I'm not working because I want to receive thanks from user.
I am share what I can share because I love to share, not because Thanks button.
My suggestion is, If amount of user say thanks more than 1 line of screen or more than specific amount, than It should be HIDE automatically. Maybe you can add a button like drop down list if someone want to know who say thanks.
- Delete Button
As you can see, If I want to full edit my post, the is a delete button. Even if I check the button then update my post, my post will not delete. I think, this button should be only available for Moderator and not for all user.
- Register and Unregister User
If you see at the top of home page, There is a link "How To Active your Account" with blue backcolor. My account have been activated, so I don't need this button anymore, and should be visible only for unantivated and unregister user.
- Hiding Some section from unregisted user
I just clear all cookie from my browser then I try to access CivilEA. Now, It's quite different when I decide to donate CivilEA to join this great forum. All section now appear with some limitation. Let's take closer to some Sub Section.
Engineering Problem
If I am a guest, Then I have full access to this section. That's all user need(unregisted, not activated, and activate user). I suggest you to, Show first post(problem) then hide all post below it(answer of question).
Civil Engineering MediaMedia > Civil Engineering Photos
Guest user have full access to this section. I suggest to hide first post, then show other post.
That's all, I am sorry if this post annoying for others...