Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Donation Question
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Dear Admin,

I am a user registered quite some time ago (permanent member) and would like to make donation to keep this forum going. I made replies to topics of my expertise from time to time.

I know that I can donate $5 and get a 'donor' tag.

My question is, I understand that donating to forum will give 1 year membership - I am already a permanent member - will I get my membership expired after a year if I donate?

The answer is likely no, but I would like to get a reply from admin to better understanding the whole system.

Thank you
Thank you for your attention.

by donation, you will be moved to donor group for specified period, after this time you will be back whatever was before. (In your case ordinary user) and we will note delete you, you are permanent user.

(12-26-2011, 11:18 AM)lazo Wrote: [ -> ]Dear Admin,

I am a user registered quite some time ago (permanent member) and would like to make donation to keep this forum going. I made replies to topics of my expertise from time to time.

I know that I can donate $5 and get a 'donor' tag.

My question is, I understand that donating to forum will give 1 year membership - I am already a permanent member - will I get my membership expired after a year if I donate?

The answer is likely no, but I would like to get a reply from admin to better understanding the whole system.

Thank you

Dear Admin.

I wanty to make donation using visa card. but i cannot access. is there anything wrong using visa card to make donations?

i also tried to donate using visa card but could not ........... please fix the problem...........

This is Paypal Issue, please contact Paypal support.
Is there any other option to donate other then paypal, visa card etc. Some countries do not allow to send money through paypal, visa card etc.
^ unfortunately Paypal HOLD donations for review and at now donations is not possible.
Hi I want to donate for the Victims of the Earthquake, but I cant find the donation page.
Please help me
Maybe is better to read post no. 7 before asking help (the post right above yours).
Paypal link at the homepage is not working.
I tried with different computers, just to make sure. Please check it
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