How do you all keep your Ebooks / Articles etc. organized?
Many a time I don't remember that I have previously downloaded a say a Concrete Ebook and saved it under "concrete". I end up downloading the same file again, and might end up saving it elsewhere.
Do you have any good ways to keep your stuff organized?
I am renaming the file-name to represent the full title. Also for the books I am adding the authors' names, and the year of publication.
There should be somewhere a computer program that can work as a database with links to the files. Here you'll be able to put one and the same file under many different categories. However I only suppose that such program exists. If somebody knows a software with such functions, I'll be very grateful.
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Another obvious tip, if you're a strong CivilEA user/downloader, is keep the same structure division as our Forum!
If you create all directories and sub-directories as our forum, will be extremely easier to put in the right place any new downloaded book.
After, the Windows search do the job!
Dell Brett
Use the Free and Useful Calibri, eBooks organizer, you could retrieve the book information as well.
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It's awesome!
COPERNIC desktop search it's free for home users
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