We've just finished our lesson in partial differential equation , and the prof. assigned a mission to hand for next week.
The task/document is about how are partial differential equations applied in civil engineering.
How and why do civil engineers use partial differential equations for?
Thanks in advance,
Diffrential equations are used in vibration analysis and dynamic analysis.
Diffrential equations are used for solving deflection in beams.
Thanks for the replies soo far, they are helpful.
However, it will help lot better if examples where studied for each case, any example that shows the use of partial differential equations.
Note : I can calculate the natural frequency for a structure also !
Differential equations are used everywhere

Pick one field and study it. Below you'll find links to pendulum, heat, sound, beam, shell formulation and so one. I got all of them with few google searches.
Although I myself learned them, but never used them as practitioner engineer, basic arithmetics, algebra seemed enough

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Partial differential equations are extensively used in many problems in Water Resources Engineering i.e. hydrology, hydraulics, groundwater modeling etc.
Also, in soil dynamics, earthquake engineering, ground vibration applications in engineering is very relevant to partial differential equations.
Here, let me provide one example from groundwater modeling (modeling groundwater flow which can be only be expressed using a partial differential equation) from my one research: If you go through the image provided below, you will see its application in brief:
Just Finished :) - Many thanks for the help.
Credits to ska51- That was the answer I was looking for.