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Can anyone provide me with the following journals and books:

Schlumberger. Log interpretation principles/applications. Schlumberger Wireline and Testing, Sugarland, Texas, 1991.

Takahashi T, Takeuchi T, Sassa K. ISRM suggested methods for borehole geophysics in rock engineering. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci 2006;43:337–68.

Karacan CO¨ . Reservoir rock properties of coal measure strata of the Lower Monongahela Group, Greene County (Southwestern Pennsylvania), from methane control and production perspectives. Int J Coal Geol 2009;78:47–64.

Grima MA. Neuro-fuzzy modeling in engineering geology. Rotterdam: Balkema; 2000.

Feddock J, Waters P. Padgett, P. Unrug, K. and Popp J. (2003). Determination of Rock Strength Properties Using Geophysical and Ultrasonic Logging in Exploration Drillholes. Proceedings of the 22nd International Ground Control in Mining Conference, Morgantown, WV, pp 157 - 161.

McNally, G.H. (1987). Geotechnical Applications and Interpretation of Downhole Geophysical Logs. ACIRL Coal Research Report 87-7, November, p.62. ISBN 0 86772 329 7

McNally, G.H. (1990). The Prediction of Geotechnical Rock Properties from Sonic and Neutron Logs. Exploration Geophysics 21:65-71.

Thank you very much.