Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Behaviour of single pile and Piled Raft Foundations
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I need these papers
* El-Mossallamy Y. and Franke E. 1997. Numerical Modelling to Simulate the Behaviour of Piled Raft Foundations, August 1997,
Darmstadt (Germany).
* El-Mossallamy Y. 1999. Load-settlement behaviour of large diameter bored piles in over-consolidated clay. Proc. 7th Int.
Symp.on Numerical Models in Geotechnical Engineering - NUMOG VII, Graz, 1-3 September 1999, 443-450. Balkema.
Rotterdam (The Netherlands).
*Engin, H.K. 2007. Report on tension pile testing using embedded piles. Plaxis internal report. Delft (The Netherlands)
Another publication that I need:

3-D Analysis of pile groups.
Chow YK.
J Geot Engng, ASCE 1987;113(6):637–51.

Thanks in advance