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Dear friends:

I need this papers please, I'm doing a research on plate bending (thin and thick), membrane (with normal rotations) and shell element (thin and thick), I'm against time to really appreciate it might help.

- Ibrahimbegovic Adnan 1993 “Quadriateral elements for analysis of thick and thin plates” computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering Vol. 110 (1993) 195-2009

- Ibrahimbegovic Adnan, R. Taylor, and E. Wilson 1990 “A robust membrane quadrilateral element with drilling degrees of freedom” Int. J. of num meth

- MacNeal R. H. and R. C. Harder 1985 “A proposed standard set to test element accuracy, finite element in analysis and desing” Vol. 1 (1985) pp 3-20

- Scordelis A. C. and K. S. Lo 1964 “computer analysis of cylinder shells” journal of American concrete institute Vol 61 May

Please friends somebody can give me a link, up-load or Web

Thanks by your help
Just info, I believe DKMT / DKMQ is very best plate formulation for thick/thin plate. I've compared with others any FEA on the world including MARC, Nastran, Ansys, Abaqus, CAEFEM, Cosmos/M, SAP2000, GTSTRUDL, STAAD, etc during undergraduate ago.
(09-03-2009, 10:44 PM)realbabilu Wrote: [ -> ]Just info, I believe DKMT / DKMQ is very best plate formulation for thick/thin plate. I've compared with others any FEA on the world including MARC, Nastran, Ansys, Abaqus, CAEFEM, Cosmos/M, SAP2000, GTSTRUDL, STAAD, etc during undergraduate ago.

dear realbabilu:

you will have the mathematical formulation of DKMT and DKMQ elements could you please share it, help me solve several problems in my thesis.

I think MIDAS software uses the DKMT/ DKMQ element , i found something that will surely help you.
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