Lets say a friend has done many great works using a commercial software like ASNYS-...
also many great conference papers ...
now he would like to submit his new paper to a journal
the paper is about numerical simulations etc .... but for some reasons he does not have a licence of ANSYS software.
do you know a journal publisher that does not ask for a licence key of the software you have used?
So far my knowledge, your friend doesn't need to submit the licence key to the journal authority, if he/she made an acknowledgement in this way that he/she applied ANSYS model/software to find out his/her result. Most of the journals dont ask for licence key. One thing is clear that if you use ANSYS and if you find out a good result using some sorts of innovative methodology, you are indirectly advertizing about ANSYS and if people is benefitted from your findings and/or papers or results, then they would be motivated to buy it and in this way, developers would be benefitted by selling ANSYS.
Also, you should know most of the software developers authority allows the use of their software for research purpose free of cost but for commercial purpose they put restriction. So, if you publish your work, I hope there won't be any problem except very few cases (if any). But you should make sure that your company/institution from where you developed these things, and if you publish, they dont have any restriction upon these.
In brief, I would say, by using ANSYS and by developing results, you didnt do any mistake, if you are going to publish it for all sorts of professionals. You can go for publication by putting an acknowledgement to the ANSYS authority. But if you want publish your findings for commercial purpose, then definitely you are going to face problems.
Thank you.
Best Regards
so the only thing matters here is sending the paper from a restricted country (restricted from using ANSYS)
well I checked
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but iran was in the list ( although there are many sanctions against this country ! )
down that mean ANSYS is ok with iran ?
any experiences?
have you ever sent a paper containing a commercial software etc ... ?
and do you know a journal which, wont ask for a licence for sure ?!