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Can anyone please help me in choosing /discussing a local or global geology issue to work on in my presentation, please.

I was thinking about discussing the foundation of leaning tower of Pisa, but my presentation should be about 10 minutes and the audience which is college students may have some difficulties in understanding the real concept.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
As you are going to discuss things with your students and giving them the idea of importance of understanding the geological matters.
You can start with a lecture like the following:

Give an example of a man from his very childhood, for example a baby, when he cant walk. Suddenly after, he can walk as his feet (comparable to the foundation) grows and can take his weight and helps him to walk around.

Gradually, he can run and can take more weight as his feet (the foundation here) supports him more, even he turns into a good athlete sometimes by using his feet. So, whose feet (foundation) is very good, his possibility of stability (running or walking or stability of body) is more and reliable.

I hope I could get your point and provide an idea. Thanks.
First of all, thank you for your reply.

The fact is that we were assigned to study a real geological case, to understand it and present it to my colleagues.

We must prepare a report to be given as an oral presentation with illustrations for the class. Each of my colleagues should recieve a hand out summary concerning the essential information of the study. The written report should not exceed 10 pages, also the oral presentation should not exceed 10 minutes including 5 minutes for questions, which should be presented using Power Point.

Therefore, the idea you've provided may not work in this situation.However, I'm still searching for an idea to work on.

Thanks again,
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Which sorts of geological issues (for local or global) are you going to address? I mean whats your interested topic or area. In that case, it would be easier to provide a suitable suggestion.

The words "local" and "global" might not suit what requested - Those are my two additives.

I was thinking of making a presentation on the foundation of the leaning tower of pise, then I've changed the topic since it may contain intense information.

Any simple interesting topic to focus on would be efficient to talk with my colleagues on.

Thanks again,
Lately, we have decided to work on the topic “ Go Green “ , Or “ Thinking Green “ – Since it’s the main problem people should recognize, acknowledge and pay attention to, not for them only but also for their upcoming generation.
Points and notes I would like to share about my presentation:
-) Defining the term “ Thinking Green ”.
-) Why should I Go Green; this part will cover disadvantages of not going green.
-) How can I Think Green.
-) What are examples of “ Thinking Green “ – In this section, my focus will deviate towards Green Building, bringing some samples of “ Jotun paints “ since it’s environmentally friendly and widely used in modern countries.

My ideas would be supported by pictures and illustrations, which are simple, transferring as many words into pictures.
What I’m looking for are ideas I could work on, and points of weakness to strengthen them to present a well-informed presentation and this can be done by the knowledge and help “ Civilea Engineer’s “ have.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again,