Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Proposal: Present your Local Program
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Hello to all,

I have one proposal to all Civilea Members to contribute in creating a list of software that is used in some countries or some part in the world by structural engineers.
In this forum, we can find a section "Software" where only several worldwide programs are included. My idea is to create some list of local programs. It should be similar like sharing the local standars (codes), but here we will present the local programs. I think we should only present the basic information about the program, web page, the region where this program is mostly used and the price if is available.

So we can create a regions:
- West Europe
- East Europe
- South Europe
- Asia (I have no idea how many parts are there)
- Latin America ( I have no idea how many parts are there)
- USA & CAnada
- Australia
- Africa

Of course, we can create some additional parts.

Hope other members will support my proposal.

Let's starts:

In Brazil (the largest country in South/Central Americas and the only one that speaks Portuguese - all other speaks Spanish), the most used engineering software is:

A- For general purpose analysis, design and detailing Software:

1- AltoQI Eberick
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2- Cypecad
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3- TQS
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Certainly the best, most complete and equivalent (or superior) than the ETABS

B- For analysis only:

1- SAP2000

2- Atir STRAP

In Portugal, we use the Spanish softwares, the Iberia peninsula in these case is one market (Sad), ib the past there were some soft houses in Pt but they don´t develop their products.

A- For general purpose analysis, design and detailing Software:

1st Cypecad
2nd tricalc

The best is Brasilian Tqs(my opnion), but is only for Brasil codes Sad
and is too expensive

B- For analysis only:

Sap (Lisbon area), don´t know why.

For water suply. sewege an drain water the most used is PT Resicad (very good), but only in Pt language
Hi folks from whole world,

Polish software:
ABC OBIEKT (Structure), PLYTA (Slab), RAMA (Frame)
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First of all MicroFe
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and ROBOT Office (now Autodesk Structural Analysis Software). Robot Office was created by polish guys in France in first stage, then developed in Poland in Cracow, now still developed in Cracow but as Autodesk Structural Analysis Soft (software sold to Autodesk).

We are using Germen software, too like Sofistik, Friedrich und Lochner - Frilo. For geotechnics - Geo5.
Quite popular is Nemetchek Allpaln and Nemetchek Scia (structural analysis). But the most popular is Robot.
Sofistik becomes more and more popular.


Non-engineering personal remark removed.

Here in Greece
for general-every day use for common RC buildings analysis, design and final drawings in order of number of users ( according to a recent poll of a greek engineering forum)
- Fespa (by LHlogismiki)
- Stereostatika (by pi systems which also collaborates in some way with etabs)
- Statics (by Multisoft)
- Strad (by 3dr & 4M)
- Next (by computec software)
Most of them are generally easy to use and fast. Also they can produce good results in calculation reports and drawings. Even if the implementation of Eurocodes is not officially obligatory in my country (at least for RC structures) these programs already support them.

Sap-Etabs, Sofistik , Robot and Scia are also used principally for analysis.
Here in Malaysia,

For structure design and detailing, most of the consultant firms are using ESTEEM8.
For civil works, MES100 products are used widely. Some of them also using the products from Infravera.

No doubt, all softwares as stated above are local products and it's extremely user friendly.


In Mexico, for analysis & design:

STAAD, SAP 2000, Robot, ETABS, Tricalc & other not very popular. Many of the design is also done using in-house software and/or excel spreadsheets.

Also, you can find in some places MIDAS & ADAPT programs.
