09-06-2011, 04:13 PM
Solid Waste Engineering
Author: William A. Worrell and P. Aarne Vesilind | Size: 14.0 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: CL-Engineering | Year: 2011 | pages: 432 | ISBN: 1439062153 & 9781439062159
Product Description:
SOLID WASTE ENGINEERING addresses the growing and increasingly intricate problem of controlling and processing the refuse created by our urban society. While the authors discuss issues such as regulations and legislation, their main emphasis is on solid waste engineering principles. They maintain their focus on principles by first explaining the basic principles of the field, then demonstrating how these principles are applied in real world settings through worked examples. By using this book as part of a graduate or advanced undergraduate course students will emerge being able to think reflectively and logically about the problems and solutions in solid waste engineering.Kindle textbooks are functionally equivalent to the print textbook. In some cases, individual items such as ancillary images or multimedia have been removed for digital delivery due to rights restrictions.
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