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Modern Geophysics in Engineering Geology (Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication)

Modern Geophysics in Engineering Geology (Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication)
by D. M. McCann

Publisher: Geological Society Publishing House
Number Of Pages: 352
Publication Date: 1998-04
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1897799926
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781897799925
Binding: Hardcover

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This paper aims to highlight some of the important points raised during the discussions at the conference. It is based on transcripts of the discussion sessions, but it is not intended to be a verbatim reproduction of all the points raised, rather it concentrates on key themes that were discussed at length. The direct points raised on particular papers have been addressed and amended by the proceedings editors and authors and are not repeated in detail here. The authors apologise to those delegates whose points may have been poorly represented, misrepresented or omitted. The aim is to take an overview of the major conference discussion themes and bring together material addressed by different speakers during different sessions.

The main topics which generated protracted discussions form the subheadings of the paper as follows:
+professional status of engineering geologists and geophysicists
+geophysical imaging and tomography
+investigation of rock masses
+accuracy/resolution of various techniques
+evaluation of soil/rock stiffness/strength using geophysical methods and sample disturbance effects
+presentation of geophysical data in contract documentation
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