Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: 13th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
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Proceedings, thirteenth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, New Delhi, 5-10 January 1994

Format: PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 1994 | pages: 600 | ISBN: 978-9054103769 , 9054103760

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The most important conference on soil mechanics & foundation engineering, held every four years. All papers were selected and reviewed by the national societies of the ISSMFE. Nearly all papers in English. Soil properties; Foundations; Design & performance of retaining & buried structures; Embankment dams & dam foundations; Natural hazard mitigation; Ground improvement; Liquefaction;Geophysical methods;Professional practices;Computer applications;Foundations of old structures & monuments.

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v. 1. Theme A: Soil properties
v. 2. Theme B: Foundations ; Theme C: Design and performance of retaining and buried structures
v. 3. Theme D: Embankment dam and dam foundations ; Theme E: Natural hazard mitigation ; Theme 1.1: Ground improvement ; Theme 1.2: Liquefaction ; Theme 1.3: Geophysical methods ; Theme 1.4: Professional proactices
v. 4. Theme 2.1: Computer applications in geotechnical engineering ; Theme 2.2: Foundations of old structures and monuments ; Theme 2.3: Geotechnical engineering education ; Theme 2.4: Arid climate soils ; Theme 3.1: Environmental geotechnology ; Theme 3.2: Marine geotechnology ; Theme 3.3: Construction, instrumentation and real time management ; Theme 3.4: Roads and tracks
v. 5. Special lectures, state-of-the-art reports, contributions from lead discussers and panelists
v. 6. Post-conference proceedings ; Terzaghi oration ; Heritage lecture ; Mercer lecture.

Dear members,
Does anyone has at least the paper bellow? Please upload it. It is very useful in geotechnical engineering. It will be greatful if that this paper exists in our forum.

POTTS D.M., BOND A.J. (1994) Calculation of structural forces for propped retaining walls, XIII ICSMFE, 1994, New Delhi, India, pp. 823 - 826.

Many thanks in advance

The paper requested is here

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