Dear Admin,
I like your new website very much? especially the forum give more information. could doublicate it into our language under special agreement among us? reply please.
what is your language? & how you want to do this?
Dear Emmi and Dear Admin:
Let me give you my little opinion about the request from Emmi:
This Forum has been created in Iran, and by respect towards the creators and founders of the Forum always We support the Section in their mother language, and always I saw that how the least We can do for be grateful with You. I completely agree if You want to retake the Persian Section. But is a special case.
My point of view: My primary language is Spanish. I have seen many members inside the Forum with the same condition, and sometimes I had have to prevent them of use Spanish or give them a warning by write messages in Spanish. But like there are members in the Forum with Spanish as primary or mother language, there are members from Korea, from Greece, from Russia, with a completely different alphabet too. All of them use the English as communication language or trying to use it (is my case, this as excuse for my poor grammar). Then, I think that We need to keep the format inside the Forum, to keep the Forum quality and the structure. If you open a new Section in other language, you will have to open a new other in Spanish or other in French and other in Russian and in Hindi soon.
Dear oanm2000 and Admin,
I agreed that use English for comunicate in this forum. I am not an IT specialist, I don't want to great the forum in onother language here, But I need to create a website by dublicate from this website into Lao Language, I like the structure of your web very much. That only my intention, if you don't mind can discuss more further.
Best regards
Emmi from LAOS
Dear emmi,
I think oanm2000 is right. If you want to duplicate the site its upto your interest, but you should take permission from the admin to do so. It is his effort that we all are here and discuss about our profession. Everybody's mother tongue would be different here. It doesn't mean that we have to communicate in our language coz there are other members who wont understand our language. And this is the platform where everybody needs a common communication system.