I am studying in Masters and taken the subject Advance Reinf. Concrete.
I have to prepare a Research based Report (Seminar) on RCC.
But i can't select the topic, I want to do my seminar on the Behaviour of RCC but I have no idea which Area to select.
Can anyone HELP me out on it??
I am not intending to take the Behaviour of Concrete in Fire conditions, as most of the students love to do work on this...
You can suggest me any topic with some references if you like..
Have a nice day...
try this one " use of light weigth concrete and its performance in seismic areas"
or behaviour of prestressing blocks in bridges and their design
good luck
How about design of reinforced concrete with Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars. I did a research project on it several years ago in college. From what I remember, the design method for flexure is different with FRP's because the material is not very ductile. The failure mechanism will be concrete crushing or FRP rupture.
FRP Reinforced concrete has a better service life b/c the the FRP does not corrode. It also performs far better if subjected to fire.
Also, just something semi related that I thought of which may be more interesting. Design of externally bonded FRP systems for strengthening of concrete. Infrastructure everywhere is falling apart and using FRP's to strengthen existing structures is very relevant. This may help.
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I would prefer to research on Ductile Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Structures under seismic load.
There are many power point presentation on many topics of civil and structural engg on link attached below. Hope it is useful for current post also.
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Consider preparing your Research on developing a good method to estimate efficient strut-and-tie models for concrete plastic analysis.
Most strut-and-tie models are done by trial and error following an estimate for the stresses, ACI has a little booklet with examples on how to make strut-and-tie models. However, so far to my knowledge, no one has put any effort into creating an easy and concise method for developing strut-and-tie models unless they have a FEM software that would show the stress distributions on the concrete members.
Most people who do not have an FEM software do it from their experience. The problem being that beginners do not have this sight of member behavior. So consider it if you are interested in developing a quick method for beginners to concrete plasticity using strut-and-tie models.
Good luck with your Masters,