Dear friends,
I need a equivalent table about Chinese Structural Steel profile (HW 100×100~400×400; HN 400×200~900×300; HM 150×100~600×300) and the equivalent American or European profiles.
Any help will be appreciated!
Thanks in advance
Dell Brett
I did small research regarding those profiles and I believe you can replace/ substitute HW and HN, above mentioned Chinese profiles with European profiles HEA100 ~ HEA900 (or somewhere you can find writting HE100A ~ HE900A) & HEB100 ~ HEB900 (HE100B ~ HE900B) and HM profiles you can replace/ substitute with European IPE160 ~ IPE600. Those profiles should be equivalent to the ones you mentioned above.
In SAP2000 you can find the list of all the European profiles I mentioned here. The file you need to open in the Section Properties > Frame Section is nammed EURO.PRO so you can look there for other profile geometry you might need.
Hope I helped.
Thanks Grunf.
My client needs to check the equivalent W (modulus of elasticity) of the profiles.
A equivalence table with both values, or a direct equivalence. will be fine for me.
Thanks a lot
Dear Dell,
I don't have the equivalence table with both values, but if you need Chinese Structural Steel profile(as you mentioned: HW 100×100~400×400; HN 400×200~900×300; HM 150×100~600×300):
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It is a Chinese web, you don't have to care about Chinese words, just look at table of specifications
(from left to right: size(HxBxt1xt2:mm), area(cm2), weight(kg/m), Moment of inertia(Ix,Iy:cm4), Radius of gyration(rx,ry:cm), modulus of elasticity(wx,wy:cm3))
Hope it's helpful to you.
I believe you mean W as the section modulus (E is modulus of elasticity) - am I right?
Look here for more info about steel sections:
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all of the geometric properties, for the European and for the American steel sections, are shown in tables.
Best regards,
Yes,W means the section modulus.
Thank you for your correction.
As Grunf said with sap2000, you can obtain the tables with both chinese, euro, american sections.
In steps:
1. create a new model in sap.
2. Define->Section Properties->Frame Sections
3. Click on button Import New Property, click on right shape
4. Browse to installation folder and choose or or any other
5. Select all profiles in the list. And click OK. Click again OK. Click again OK.
6. Change measurement units to mm or inch (whatever you prefer)
7. Display->Show tables open property definitions, check Frame sections Properties,Click OK.
8. In the opened window click File->Export current table->To Excel
Repeat from step 1 as much as you like, make sure to keep the same measurement units.
Dear Dell,
Just in case if you need HP-200x200~400x400 (Chinese Structural Steel profile):
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ps: also contains HW-100×100~400×400, HN-400×200~900×300, HM-150×100~600×300
2.contents of specifications as above mentioned(post#4)
Best regards,