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Hi, is anyone has these papers. Thanks!

Attewell, P. B. (1978). Ground movements caused by tunnelling in soil. In J. D. Geddes, editor, Proceedings of Conference on Large Ground Movements and Structures, pages 812-948, Cardiff, Pentech Press.

Cording, E. J., and Hansmire, W.H. (1975). Displacements around soft ground tunnels. In Proceedings of 5th Pan American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, volume 4, pages 571-633, Argentina.

New, B. M., and O’Reilly, M. P. (1991). Tunnelling induced ground movements: predicting their magnitude and effects. In 4th International Conference on Ground Movements and Structures, pages 671 – 697, Cardiff, Pentech Press.

Rankin, W. J. (1988). Ground movements resulting from urban tunnelling: prediction and effects. In Conference on Engineering Geology of Underground Movements, pages 79-92, Nottingham, BGS.