Hello to all,
In the beginning I would like to apologize to moderators if this post isn't at the right place, and I would ask them to move it in the appropriate place.
I've posted similar post before in this forum, but now I would like to see your opinion about geotechnical software for FEA, like Geostudio, Plaxis, Geo5, TNO Diana, FLAC, Rocscience..., and non geotechnical like Abaqus, Ansys and FEMAP.
I would really appreciate your thinking and experience with any of this software.
Best regards
I've noticed that some users have voted for other software.
Could you at least mention what software do you use if not mentioned in poll.
I would appreciate it.
Best regards
Midas GTS (Geotechnical and Tunnel System) is very powerfol.
There are also very good references.
I personally prefer Midas GTS and all products of midas company in general for many reasons but one of them is that they support EC very well and almost in all fields.
Hi Giga,
Can you please upload or provide Links for refrences @ Midas GTS which you are refering at in your post?
midas GTS
Geotechnical and Tunnel Analysis System
midas GTS (Geotechnical and Tunnel System) is founded on the expertise in analysis and contemporary graphics technologies accumulated since 1989.
midas GTS enables engineers to intuitively generate and analyze complex geotechnical and structural models. The modeling capabilities are developed with integrated analysis features that are powered by uniquely developed equation solvers providing accurate results and fastest computations. Moreover, the software automatically generates concise and practical analysis reports. midas GTS stands to provide the utmost environment of innovative paradigm in tunnel and geotechnical engineering.
To see references go too:
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See at:
Program Description ( PPT ) and
midas GTS Catalog ( PDF )
Freequo, your poll is mostly NONengineering. You will get a statistics what the people like (or 'want to use'). This will be impractical result for anybody.
The different programs have different strengths and there is no 'magic program' to solve YOUR needs (as you don't know for what the people have used these programs before answering your poll).
Maybe you look for a program/package to start learning it, am I right?
Who knows your needs, and what problems you'll face in your future practice? Nobody, even you. So you'd better put your problem first, then ask for recommended software that will be able to model your problem, and give the results that bring to a correct judgment.
I am afraid that if you follow my advice, you'll get at most 3~4 answers, not more. But these answers will be more useful for you, compared to the results of the poll.
At the moment everybody can reply to your poll, it is enough to met some familiar software title, and he votes for it.
Actually, I've been waiting for your reply ynopum.
I have to say that I agree with most thing in your post, especially with "magic program". I'm well aware that no such thing exists, and that the best thing is to model something on your own implementing specific behavior, and boundary conditions. Probably I would agree with you that the poll is statistics like, but, actually, this is something I had in my mind, since this poll is only for the advice what other users would choose.
What other software would you recommend? Why didn't you mentioned it?
I'm very thankful for your advice, and I'll keep that kind of thinking in mind.
Best regards
You forgot in your 'FEM' poll:
Why you miss Itasca (FLAC,UDEC, etc), Rocscience (Phase,Examine)? Although, not a pure FEM ('FLAC' and 'Examine' use finite differences) they give results in a form FEM makes it.
Where is Z-Soil? Sage-CRISP?
Don't forget FIDES (suite of german programs), which are much more advanced than GEO5, generally.
Midas GTS was already mentioned.
Most of the geotechnical problems (these that don't need displacements as results) can be solved without FEA, don't forget that. Some other problems need special numerical solutions (like consolidation, liquefaction), not necessary to use FEM. Other structural problems have ready-made solutions, and account of the elastic properties very well (foundations, piles, pipes).
I think that the PROBLEM ORIENTED question giver more useful answer.
OR, a question in the form 'can ***** solve this problem easyly?'
OR a comparison table between the capabilities of the programs (though, this will be very specific and subjective).
I will say again - now the only useful result is "start learning Plaxis first, as everybody uses it, so it is worth learning". You can't get more from this poll.
(of course if you are software seller you'll see that Abaqus should bankrupt,

I thought that some other users of forum will discuss about other types of softwares, write a reason why do they think that its' better, like giga did, and not attack me because posting this kind of thread, like you ynopum, at least that is what i feel reading your reply.
I'm well aware of geotechnical modeling, what can you do with mentioned softwares and not, I only wanted some other opinion.
Anyway, since this has become everything else then what i had in my mind....