Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Papers about plasticity
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Pages: 1 2
Could someone please repost the following paper.

Thanks in advance...

Geradin, M., S. Idelsohn, and M. Hogge,
Computational Strategies for the Solution of Large Nonlinear Problems via Quasi-Newton Methods,
Computers and Structures, 13: 73-81
I would need also these.

Material Model for Granular Soils

Frank L. DiMaggio and Ivan S. Sandler

Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, Vol. 97, No. 3, May/June 1971, pp. 935-950

Micromechanics of granular media Part I: Generation of overall constitutive equation for assemblies of circular disks
Ronaldo I. Borja, Jon R. Wren

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Volume 127, Issues 1–4, November 1995, Pages 13–36

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(01-12-2012, 12:25 PM)freequo Wrote: [ -> ]Accurate numerical solutions for drucker-prager elastic-plastic models

On the implementation of inelastic constitutive equations with special reference to large deformation problems

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(01-13-2012, 09:05 AM)freequo Wrote: [ -> ]Micromechanics of granular media Part I: Generation of overall constitutive equation for assemblies of circular disks

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I suggest every user to link every request to its original site to make it easy to download.
Could someone please repost the following paper
Introduction to the Finite-Element Method for Elastic and Elasto-Plastic Solids
(in the book Mechanics of Crustal Rocks)
CISM Courses and Lectures
Thanks in advance
Can anyone find this two papers?

Schreyer, H. L., R. L. Kulak and J. M. Kramer,
Accurate Numerical Solutions for Elastic-Plastic Models,
J. Pressure Vessel Tech., ASME, 101: 226-334

Simo, J. C. and Hughes, T. J. R.,
General Return Mapping Algorithms for Rate-Independent Plasticity,
Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials: Theory and Applications, C. S.
Desai et al. eds., 221-231

I think I've already posted this request for this papers some time ago. Please, don't be mad about that.

Best regards
Pages: 1 2