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Hydrology and Water Resources in Tropical Regions (Developments in Water Science)

Author: J. Balek | Size: 12.935 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd | Year: 1983 - 10 | pages: 272 | ISBN: 0-444-99656-7

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The tropical regions of the world represent a huge but relatively little studied part of the globe. The preponderance of less developed countries in the tropical zone means that scientists, teachers and planners often look to the 1st or 2nd world for assistance, but within the field of hydrology there are relatively few comprehensive tomes. Individual papers and huge collections of disparate conference presentations tend to predominate but this text tries to encompass the whole of the tropics and covers the field of water from condensation in the atmosphere to its use and disposal by man. This is not a standard hydrology book nor is it an engineering manual. Its subject is hydrology and the possibilities and problems of using water resources.
It is about the complex system involving hydrology, ecology and human activity which some authors describe as a geographical approach to hydrology. Throughout the orientation is a wide ranging systems approach. Human impact on hydrology is usually seen as negative but the onward effects nutrient cycling are discussed.

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