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Full Version: CSI SAP2000 v14.1.0
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(08-24-2009, 06:42 PM)JUANCM Wrote: [ -> ]hi friend, i have a question, this software is advanced in specific? when i have download the software in the links?? :)

yes it is the advanced performs non-linear analysis lie time history n push-over
I have downloaded and installed sap v14 succesfully. But have two querries.

1. When I go to help menu and try to open technical notes and/or other refrence material, it say they are not available. I have checked in the installed folder, the files are their but showing o KB size. Do any body else has this problem and can any one upload the mannuals here seperately.

2. The patch link given at the start of this post ask for a password. what it is?

Thanks in advance:-/
(08-26-2009, 05:22 PM)Amobin Wrote: [ -> ]I have downloaded and installed sap v14 succesfully. But have two querries.

1. When I go to help menu and try to open technical notes and/or other refrence material, it say they are not available. I have checked in the installed folder, the files are their but showing o KB size. Do any body else has this problem and can any one upload the mannuals here seperately.

2. The patch link given at the start of this post ask for a password. what it is?

Thanks in advance:-/

I open the sap 2000 v14.1 now to check because we are in the same source of this software.All are working properly..try to uninstall and install it again..
The password is written there.- "' without qoutes.
I hope there's more powerful medicine.
There's 2 medicine for sap 14.0 actually, and the last team "ISI" medicine for sap 14.0 is not quite "nice".
But i will check it anyway.
For sap 12 and sap 14 users, the section that created using section designer is not same with SAP 8 to 11. So beware of this bug.
I m not able to download from ftp. It stops afterwards sometime. Plz upload it about else.

Green tea diet pills
Here is an answer to the questions/ problems asked by timosi and robertsas in posts #24 and #25:

(08-15-2009, 08:37 AM)timosi Wrote: [ -> ]I have a problem with SAP14, i install and it worked good, but when i am running SAP 14, but in my task manager windows, it display SAP 12.
I don't understand, can i help you. What wrong?
(08-15-2009, 02:26 PM)robertsas Wrote: [ -> ]ya I have the same condition with brother timosi.
Does any one can explain that..

In ReadMe file of SAP2000 Version 14.0.0 stands:
"SAP2000 Version 14.0.0 is a major upgrade from Version 12.0.2, and is available as a full installation from DVD or from the ftp...."

Best regards
dear Grunf
Thanks for your information, but this is not true. You can see SAP14 in another computer:
[Image: f2dug2ih4ybd3iadqvx.jpg]
If you use crack (ISI), it will not happen this error/
what is the password for the sap crack
(09-14-2009, 11:28 AM)myself008 Wrote: [ -> ]what is the password for the sap crack

What's sap crack which you ask? Please detail it or read carefully the post. You will see that you need.
i just wanted to know the sap medicine will work on vista as i am getting error 50 after patching
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