03-16-2011, 06:49 AM
Sea Level Rise, Volume 75: History and Consequences (International Geophysics)
Author: Bruce Douglas | Size: 13,73 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Academic Press | Year: 2000 | pages: 232 | ISBN: 0122213459
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Sea Level Rise, History and Consequences includes a special emphasis on the evidence for historical sea level change; case studies are used to demonstrate the resulting consequences. Sea level is expected to rise as much as 60-100 centimeters over the next century due to greenhouse-induced global warming -- or at least that is what the some scientists predict. However, the concept of sea level is extremely complex, which makes the prediction of sea level rise anything but certain. The book should be readily accessible to upper division and first-year graduate students in the environmental sciences, geography, geology, and other interdisciplinary fields.
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