03-12-2011, 04:56 AM
I need a Software that generates AutoCAD script files or drawings from the Standard Values from different Code or Standard Formulas... as I found in POWERTOOLS (), which only converts "Roller Chain Sprockets" into ACAD Script File...
Is there any other Software or Tool that converts "STANDARD STEEL SECTIONS, BOLTS, AND MEHANICAL BELT CONVYORS, SHAFTS ETC.." into CAD FORMAT???
Thanks in Advance.
Best Regards,
Muhammad Umer Aleem
I need a Software that generates AutoCAD script files or drawings from the Standard Values from different Code or Standard Formulas... as I found in POWERTOOLS (
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Is there any other Software or Tool that converts "STANDARD STEEL SECTIONS, BOLTS, AND MEHANICAL BELT CONVYORS, SHAFTS ETC.." into CAD FORMAT???
Thanks in Advance.
Best Regards,
Muhammad Umer Aleem