Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: National Plumbing And HVAC Estimator 2009
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Manhours, labor and material costs for all common plumbing and HVAC work in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. You can quickly work up a reliable estimate based on the pipe, fittings and equipment required.

Every plumbing and HVAC estimator can use the cost estimates in this practical manual. Sample estimating and bidding forms and contracts also included. Explains how to handle change orders, letters of intent, and warranties. Describes the right way to process submittals, deal with suppliers and subcontract specialty work.

Includes a CD-ROM with an electronic version of the book with National Estimator, a stand-alone Windows estimating program, plus an interactive multimedia video that shows how to use the disk to compile construction cost estimates. Revised annually.

Manhours, Labor and Material Costs for Residential, Commercial and Industrial Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning

* ABS Drain, Waste and Vent Piping - Pipe, Bends, Fittings, Hangers, Sleeves and Flashing
* Boiler Accessories - Chemical Feed Pumps, Combustion Controls, Condensate Receivers, Deaerator/Condensers,
Feedwater Pumps, Heat Recovery Systems, Refractory, Stacks, Trim, and Water Treatment Systems
* Carbon Steel Piping - Threaded, Butt-Welded and Roll-Grooved Pipe, Fittings, Valves and Hangers
* Cast Iron DWV Piping - Gasketed Pipe and No-Hub Service Weight Pipe and Fittings
* Copper DWV Piping - Pipe and Fittings with Soft-Soldered Joints, Hangers and Clamps
* Brazed Copper Type K, L & M Piping - Hard-Drawn Pipe with Wrought Copper Fittings and Valves
* Soft Soldered Copper Type K, L & M Piping - Hard-Drawn Pipe with Wrought Copper Fittings
* Polypropylene Schedule 40 DWV Piping - Pipe with Heat Fusioned Joints, Hangers and Sleeves
* PVC Schedule 40 & 80 Piping - Pipe with Solvent-Welded Fittings, Valves, Hangers and Clamps
* PVC Sewer Piping - Bell & Spigot with Elastomeric Gasketed Joints and Fittings
* Plumbing & Piping Specialties - Access Doors, Vents, Flanges, Valves, Indicators, Gauges
* Plumbing Equipment - Bathtubs, Interceptors, Sinks, Pumps, Showers and Water Closets
* Kitchen Equipment Connections - For Heaters, Disposers, Gas Appliances, Indirect Waste
* Galvanized Steel Ductwork - Spiral and Rectangular, Including Fabrication and Installation
* Fiberglass Ductwork - Fabrication and Installation of Both Duct Board and Flexible Duct
* Ductwork Specialties - Supply Registers, Return Air Grilles, Ceiling Diffusers and Dampers
* HVAC Equipment - Package Units, Boilers, Blowers, Cooling Towers, Fans, Coils, Pumps
* Thermal Insulation - Pipe Wrap, Duct Board and Blanket Insulation and Duct Lining

If you need to estimate the cost of plumbing or HVAC systems, this book will be your most reliable guide to figuring the time required for installation and the labor and material cost. You get the in-place cost for all common plumbing and HVAC work in residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Plumbing and HVAC estimators will also appreciate the sample forms, contracts and practical procedures included in this manual. .
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I think this has to be moved to software section.
