analysis of 3 storey school bldg. using ETABS, MIDAS & STAAD (the project can be found in the book of SK Gosh & Fanella(Seismic & Wind Design of Concrete Bldg.)
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Dear all,
This is about the analysis of 3 storey school bldg. which can be found in the book of SK Gosh and Fanella. The title of the book is Seismic and Wind Design of Concrete Bldg. I used ETABS, MIDAS & STAAD in my analysis in order to compare the results and for you guys to comment. As far as analysis and design of the project in ETABS is concerned, I was able to import the same to SAFE and Autocad Structural Detailing 2010 and was able generate drawings.
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Dear all,
By the way guys, the book I was referring above can be found in the forum. Thanks.
But i cannot find the book which you are talking about with the reference of the Title of the book or the author... Any chance of you posting the forum link where i the book is..
Follow the link below for the book in the forum
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which are the software's version?
You can use MIDAS Gen v7.0.2 and ETABS v9.7.2.
Comments on ETABS model:
1. Seismic ELF is in one direction only (X-dir). No seismic load in Y-dir.
2. In the Define Mass Source, if option 3 is selected do not include the load case DEAD because you defined it as selfwt of structural members. Use option From Load if the load case DEAD is included.
3. The ct for RC structure is 0.030 and not 0.035
Comments on MIDAS Gen model:
1. You defined seismic load "eq" wherein the building is subjected to EQX and EQY at the same time, because your scale factor is 1 in both EQX and EQY.
2. You have to define EQX with scale factor of 1 in X-dir and 0.30 in Y-dir if you want to consider orthogonal effect. Without orthogonal effect the scale factor in Y-dir is 0.
3. You have to define EQY with scale factor of 0.30 in X-dir and 1 in Y-dir if you want to consider orthogonal effect. Without orthogonal effect the scale factor in X-dir is 0.
I have not thoriughly examined the two files.There must be other input data that must be corrected.
Hi there. I would like to ask things about the subject please bear with me.
1.) I noticed that in the STAAD file Member Cracked Property(beam), reduction factors were used with values of 0.5 for Moment of Inertia and 1.0 for Cross Sectional Area and 1.0 for Torsion Constant, kindly someone explain or point to any references why and when we need to use this member specification and what will be the effect or the importance of using this? (same goes with the columns specification)
2.) I also noticed that nodes 2, 49 and 73 were treated as Rigid Master Nodes, again why and when and what will be the effect or the importance of using this node specification?
Thank you in advance...
Dear benny,
ETABS comments:
1. I only ran one direction as the book is designing beam in that direction.
3. I used ct=.035 to simulate the project discussed in the book in order to compare the results from the book and the software.
MIDAS comments:
Considering that the building's shape is regular, there is no need to use the .3 coefficient.