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Automation in Construction ~ Volume 18, Issue 7, Pages 865-1010, November 2009

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Author(s): Elsevier Publisher: Elsevier Date: 2009 Format: PDF Language: English ISBN10:

Pages: 130 OCR: Y Quality:

A laser-technology-based lifting-path tracking system for a robotic tower crane
Pages 865-874
Ghang Lee, Hong-Hyun Kim, Chi-Joo Lee, Sung-Il Ham, Seok-Heon Yun, Hunhee Cho, Bong Keun Kim, Gu Taek Kim, Kyunghwan Kim

3. Crucial tactical variables for value delivery in virtual projects
Pages 875-880
O.K.B. Barima

4.A hybrid optimization mechanism for constructing a dynamic simulation system—An operational behavior analysis of a moving scaffolding system
Pages 881-893
Nai-Hsin Pan

5. Collaborative knowledge management—A construction case study
Pages 894-902
Bhargav Dave, Lauri Koskela

6. Assessing the impact of materials tracking technologies on construction craft productivity
Pages 903-911
David Grau, Carlos H. Caldas, Carl T. Haas, Paul M. Goodrum, JieGong

7. Optimizing construction planning schedules by virtual prototyping enabled resource analysis
Pages 912-918
Heng Li, Neo Chan, Ting Huang, H.L. Guo, Weisheng Lu, Martin Skitmore

8. Entropy-based scheduling of resource-constrained construction projects
Pages 919-928
Symeon Christodoulou, Georgios Ellinas, Pooyan Aslani

9. Bridge inspection robot system with machine vision
Pages 929-941
Je-Keun Oh, Giho Jang, Semin Oh, Jeong Ho Lee, Byung-Ju Yi, Young Shik Moon, Jong Seh Lee, Youngjin Choi

10. Resource-constrained scheduling for continuous repetitive projects with time-based production units
Pages 942-949
Machine Hsie, Ching-Jung Chang, I-Tung Yang, Chun-Yen Huang

11. Electro-hydraulic proportional control of thrust system for shield tunneling machine
Pages 950-956
Yang Huayong, Shi Hu, Gong Guofang, Hu Guoliang

12. Automated contract time determination system for highway projects
Pages 957-965
Hyung Seok Jeong, Siddharth Atreya, Garold D. Oberlender, BooYoung Chung

13. Improving megaproject briefing through enhanced collaboration with ICT
Pages 966-974
Jacky K.H. Chung, Mohan M. Kumaraswamy, Ekambaram Palaneeswaran

14. Improving agent-based negotiation efficiency in construction supply chains: A relative entropy method
Pages 975-982
Xiaolong Xue, Qiping Shen, Heng Li, William J. O'Brien, Zhaomin Ren

15. An automated system for optimizing post-disaster temporary housing allocation
Pages 983-993
Omar El-Anwar, Khaled El-Rayes, Amr Elnashai

16. A study of ontology-based risk management framework of construction projects through project life cycle
Pages 994-1008
H. Ping Tserng, Samuel Y.L. Yin, R.J. Dzeng, B. Wou, M.D. Tsai, W.Y. Chen

17. Calendar

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