02-12-2011, 05:19 PM
Industrial Wastewater Treatment
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Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Author(s): Ng Wun Jern (National University of Singapore)
Publisher: mperial College Press
Date: 2006 Format: pdf
Language: English
ISBN10: 1860945805
Pages: 164
Size: 11.50 MB
This book adopts a “show and tell” approach to guiding readers in the area of industrial wastewater treatment and the facilities associated with such treatment. It assumes the reader is familiar with wastewater treatment theory but may be unfamiliar with the reasons why certain unit processes or equipment are included in practice, how these work, and why they fail therein. Industrial wastewaters are extremely varied and this complicates their treatment and discussion. Numerous tables showing industrial wastewater characteristics and photographs of facilities are provided so that the reader can better appreciate industrial wastewater treatment and its “culture” in Asia, and gain a degree of familiarity with the subject unachievable if only text descriptions were used. The book aims to provide a link between theory and practice. It does not only cover typical textbook material but also includes much information that would usually be accessible only to persons who have handled wastewaters and treatment facilities personally. The numerous examples provided have been drawn from the author's own field experience over two decades in Asia.
It assumes the reader is familiar with wastewater treatment theory but may be unfamiliar with the reasons why certain unit processes orequipment are included in practice, how these work, and why they fail therein. Industrial wastewaters are extremely varied and this complicates their treatment and discussion. Numerous tables showing industrial wastewater characteristics and photographs of facilities are provided so that the reader can better appreciate industrial wastewater treatment and its "culture" in Asia, and gain a degree of familiarity with the subject unachievable if only text descriptions were used. The book aims to provide a link between theory and practice.
Nature of Industrial Wastewaters
The Sewage Treatment Plant Example
The Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant — Preliminary Unit Processes
The Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant — Biological
The Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant — Sludge Management
Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing Wastewater
Piggery Wastewater
Slaughterhouse Wastewater
Palm Oil Mill and Refinery Wastewater
Readership: Senior undergraduates, graduate students and environmental engineers.
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