01-17-2011, 08:03 AM
Design of Corriguteed Sheet ( example )
![[Image: 66564239076445167219.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/66564239076445167219.jpg)
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The examples are based on Eurocode 0, Eurocode 1 and Eurocode 3, Part 1-3 [16]. Some additional detail
checks are made according to Swedish code for light-gauge metal structures, StBK-N5 [5]
The calculations in the following examples are set out in detail. In most cases, the designer can make
simplifications when he/she has learned by experience which checks are not usually critical.
The examples are worked out in the mathematics program Mathcad, version 2000i. Some of the operators and
notations used in the examples are explained below.
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