01-09-2011, 05:55 AM
01-10-2011, 11:09 AM
May you clarify on the experiences you would like to know.
01-11-2011, 12:49 AM
I have been thinking of taking a break from consulting for a while and go teach in Africa (excluding South Africa). I do have offers from some schools in Africa to teach civil/mining engineering. I was wondering if it is a good idea for me to give up my secured consulting job here in the States and go over to Africa to teach! Even though, the remuneration offered by the schools is good compared to the living standards over there, it is still about 45% of what I make as a consultant here in the States and I am not sure if I could augment my salary by doing some part-time consulting work. I am both excited and confused about this offer. I would welcome any suggestions.
01-12-2011, 05:00 AM
Hi OSHO, this is what i have to say in regard to your post.
Its good you mentioned that you have already got some offers because lecturing in Uganda is mainly done on an exchange programme between Universities.
Please be more specific.
The remuneration in every part of the world, i believe, is commensurate to the living standards there. The living standards in Africa ( except for a few countries that are really picking up), are not in any way comparable to those in the states or Europe, but one has got to live within ones means.
I always would love to work in the States or Europe, not necessarily for the money, but for the knowledge these places have to offer in the field of Civil/Structural Engineering! I can always go back home and impart this knowldge to my fellow people.
The same applies to you, Do you want to go to Africa for the money? Certainly not....Focus on your reason at heart/hand, and make a decision.
Wish you the best!!!
Quote:I have been thinking of taking a break from consulting for a while and go teach in Africa (excluding South Africa).Since its for a while(taking a break), I would say its a good idea, go out there teach and feel the experience, exploit your zeal in teaching. If its not to your expectation you can always fall back to what you have been doing best :-consulting in the states.
Quote:I do have offers from some schools in Africa to teach civil/mining engineering.You need to be more specific here, I may not be in position to speak for the entire Africa. But I can do for East Africa (Uganda) from where I hail. Civil Engineering would be the way to go and not mining in this region (we do a lot of mining but to my knowledge mining Engineering is not taught within, you may search about this for better information)
Its good you mentioned that you have already got some offers because lecturing in Uganda is mainly done on an exchange programme between Universities.
Please be more specific.
Quote:I was wondering if it is a good idea for me to give up my secured consulting job here in the States and go over to Africa to teach!This is a decision you have to make, we all have decisions to make in life and here comes yours.
Quote:Even though, the remuneration offered by the schools is good compared to the living standards over there, it is still about 45% of what I make as a consultant here in the States and I am not sure if I could augment my salary by doing some part-time consulting work.
The remuneration in every part of the world, i believe, is commensurate to the living standards there. The living standards in Africa ( except for a few countries that are really picking up), are not in any way comparable to those in the states or Europe, but one has got to live within ones means.
I always would love to work in the States or Europe, not necessarily for the money, but for the knowledge these places have to offer in the field of Civil/Structural Engineering! I can always go back home and impart this knowldge to my fellow people.
The same applies to you, Do you want to go to Africa for the money? Certainly not....Focus on your reason at heart/hand, and make a decision.
Quote:I am both excited and confused about this offer.Certainly, you should be, I would be too. But rather be excited than confused, why confused... You can always fall back to your consulting job but you wd have made a try. May be its your destiny, People need you out there!!!
Wish you the best!!!
01-13-2011, 02:49 AM
Hi hmwere,
Thank you very much for your time and valuable input. I would like to give it a try provided I am able to obtain some grant.
Thank you very much for your time and valuable input. I would like to give it a try provided I am able to obtain some grant.