I am looking for a software which can calculate the moment capacity of doubly reinforced concrete beam when concrete strength, steel strength, beam cross section, number of rebars and so on are given as input.
Also, with the similar input, I also want to calculate the interaction diagram of RC column so that the capacity of existing column can be determined.
Any software whcih can do sectional anaysis is able to calculate the moment capacities.
You can use Xtract, Response2000, Biax or other software or you can use some Excel spreadsheets.
You can find formulas for moment capacities of beam and columns in Fardis's book about EN1998-1 here:
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Dear ribak
If you do your design based on ACI Code :
1) If you want develop your own excel sheet, Mac Gregor book is a good reference to read
This book is useful both for student level & engineer level
2) If you want easy way, you can use PCA software < PCA beam & PCA column >
My suggestion you should make your own excel sheet.
Calculate "Moment Cap." provided by actual section of beam / column with its reinforcing is not difficult, you just need to read the book I mention above & you can make your own excel sheet.
Software sometime contain "bug", if you mastering the knowledge you can check your design - calculation & know whether the software containing "bug" or not.
I understand in practice ( in consultant firm ) using software is common matter, but, I suggest you should check at critical condition of your structure manually to ensure it.
There are good excel "RC spreadsheets: V3" here on civilea that can help you
you can try GaLa Reinforcement which is free and supports all the widely used concrete codes
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