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Economic Design and Construction with
Light Weight Aggregate Concrete

(Full set of reports under EuroLightCon project)

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The following reports have been published under the EuroLightCon-project:

R1 Definitions and International Consensus Report. April 1998

R2 LWAC Material Properties State-of-the-Art. December 1998

R3 Chloride penetration into concrete with lightweight aggregates. March 1999

R4 Methods for testing fresh lightweight aggregate concrete, December 1999

R5 A rational mix design method for LWAC using typical UK materials, January 2000

R6 Properties of Lytag-based concrete mixtures strength class B15-B55, January 2000

R7 Grading and composition of the aggregate, March 2000

R8 Properties of lightweight concretes containing Lytag and Liapor, March 2000

R9 Technical and economic mixture optimisation of high strength LWAC, March 2000

R10 Paste optimisation based on flow properties and compressive strength, March 2000

R11 Pumping of LWAC based on expanded clay in Europe, March 2000

R12 Applicability of the particle-matrix model to LWAC, March 2000

R13 Large-scale chloride penetration test on LWAC-beams exposed to thermal and hygral cycles, March 2000

R14 Structural LWAC. Specification and guideline for materials and production, May 2000

R15 Light Weight Aggregates, May 2000

R16 In-situ tests on existing lightweight aggregate concrete structures, May 2000

R17 Properties of LWAC made with natural lightweight aggregates, May 2000

R18 Durability of LWAC made with natural lightweight aggregates, May 2000

R19 Evaluation of the early age cracking of LWAC, May 2000

R20 The effect of the moisture history on the water absorption of LWA, May 2000

R21 Stability and pumpability of LWAC. Test Methods, May 2000

R22 The economic potential of LWAC in c.i.p. concrete bridges, May 2000

R23 Mechanical properties of LWAC, May 2000

R24 Prefabricated bridges, May 2000

R25 Chemical stability, wear resistance and freeze-thaw resistance of LWAC, May 2000

R26 Recycling lightweight aggregate concrete, May 2000

R27 Mechanical properties of LWAC compared with both NWC and HSC, May 2000

R28 Prestressed beams loaded with shear force and/or torsional moment, May 2000 (not available for download)

R29 A prestressed steel-LWAconcrete bridge system under fatigue loading

R30 Creep properties of LWAC, May 2000

R31 Long-term effects in LWAC: Strength under sustained loading; Shrinkage of High Strength LWAC, May 2000

R32 Tensile strength as design parameter, May 2000

R33 Structural and economical comparison of bridges made of inverted T-beams with topping, May 2000

R34 Fatigue of normal density concrete and lightweight concrete, May 2000

R35 Composite models for short- and long-term strength and deformation properties of LWAC, May 2000

R36 High strength LWAC in construction elements, May 2000

R37 Comparison of bridges made of NWC and LWAC. Part 1: Structural comparison of steel concrete composite bridges, May 2000

R38 Comparing HSLWAC and HSC with the aid of a computer model, May 2000

R39 Proposal for a Recommendation on design rules for high strength LWAC, May 2000

R40 Comparison of bridges. Part 2: Structural and economic comparison of bridges made of box beams post-tensioned in transversal direction, May 2000

R41 LWA concrete under fatigue loading. Literature survey and fatigue tests, May 2000

R42 Shear capacity of prestressed beams, May 2000

R42a Appendix

R43 Prestressed steel-LWAC bridge system under fatigue loading, May 2000


EuroLightCon project is funded by the European Union under the Industrial & Materials Technologies Programme (Brite-EuRam III) Contract BRPR-CT97-0381, Project BE96-3942.

Established in 1997, EuroLightCon is a three-year project that involves close cooperation between Norwegian, Dutch, German, British, Spanish and Icelandic companies, universities, research institutes and government agencies. The project aims to further develop lightweight concrete technology by testing new aggregates that utilize waste products, by identifying new areas of use for LWA concrete, and by drawing up rules for the dimensioning of reliable structures.

It is the objective of the EuroLightCon-project to develop a reliable and cost effective design and construction methodology for structural concrete with LWA. The proj ect addresses LWA manufactured from geological sources (clay, pumice etc.) as well as from waste/secondary materials (fly-ash etc.). The methodology shall enable the European concrete and construction industry to enhance its capabilities in terms of cost-effective and environmentally friendly construction, combining the building of lightweight structures with the utilisation of secondary aggregate sources.

The major research tasks are:

1. Lightweight aggregates: The identification and evaluation of new and unexploited sources specifically addressing the environmental issue by utilising alternative materials from waste. Further the development of more generally applicable classification and quality assurance systems for aggregates and aggregate production.

2. Lightweight aggregate concrete production: The development of a mix design methodology to account for all relevant materials and concrete production and in-use properties. This will include assessment of test methods and quality assurance for production.

3. Lightweight aggregate concrete properties: The establishing of basic materials relations, the influence of materials characteristics on mechanical properties and durability.

4. Lightweight aggregate concrete structures: The development of design criteria and rules with special emphasis on high performance structures. The identification of new areas for application.

At the time the project is being performed, a Working Group under the international concrete association FIB (the former CEB and FIP) is preparing an addendum to the CEB-FIP Model Code 1990, to make the Model Code applicable for LWAC. Basis for this work is a state-of-the-art report referring mainly to European and North-American Standards and Codes. Partners in the project are also active in the FIB Working Group.

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