Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: 2nd Year of Birthday
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happy 2nd birthday and i wish you another 200

Congratulations to everybody! :clap:

*Happy birthday to 2nd Year :JC_boogie:*
It is great to feel the vibrancy of our members.

Folks, may I request that you use the THANKS button to express your appreciation. With my response tracking (the button at the bottom which reads Subscribe and recieve email notification of new replies), I am distracted to open the thread to read your one line thanks, and it is time wasting.

Again, I feel as good as you do. It is a great place, and that is for us to make it grow. Let us respect the rules, and do use the THANKS button.

Congratulations to everyone, but specially to those who make a great effort to keep this site moving on !!
civilea was born great , and it will be great
best regards for all Civilea's sons thumbup
Congratulations and best wishes on second happy birthday.Civilea is doing a wonderful job and it should keep moving with same speed, zeal and fervour. I wish you success in the days to come
Long live Civilea!
Adam Smith
May this brotherhood fratenity live in respect, cooperation, understanding and the gift of sharing. Giving intangible jewels to others is a sign of great love.
Long life CIVILEA.
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