07-08-2009, 05:48 PM
Elements of Structural Optimization
Solid Mechanics and Its Applications
Solid Mechanics and Its Applications
Author: Raphael T. Haftka (Author) , Zafer Gürdal (Author) | Size: 8.17 MB | Format: DjVu | Publisher: Springer; 3rd rev. and expanded ed. | Year: November 30, 1991 | pages: 500 | ISBN: 0792315049, 9780792315049
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This is a well written book on engineering optimization in general and on structural optimization particularly. Although the book requires basic structures' analysis background (e.g., FEA and strength of materials) the optimization concepts are written in a clear and concise manner. Plenty of practical examples are given in each chapter to present the "application" of various optimization methods. Optimization of both constrained and unconstrained problems are shown with emphasis on the variable types involved (i.e. continous, discreet) A good book for someone getting started on structural optimization and a good quick reference book afterwards.
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