STEEL BUILDINGS IN EUROPE by Arcelor Mittal, Peiner Träger and Corus part 1
Size: 2.93 MB | Format: PDF | Year: 2010 | pages: 75
For centuries, steel has demonstrated all its advantages as a construction material for use in famous buildings in the world, but steel is not only a material that delivers technical prowess. It has so many qualities that simply make it the preferred material of architects, especially for multi-storey buildings. This publication has been drafted by architects for architects. It provides information on the material and on the industrial components. It gives the bases of good practice in order to achieve maximum benefit in using steel, in terms of structural behaviour of steel frames, the building envelope, acoustic and thermal performances and sustainable construction.
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Size: 2.54 MB | Format: PDF | Year: 2010 | pages: 83
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This publication presents information necessary to assist in the choice and use of steel structures at the concept design stage of modern multi-storey buildings. The primary sector of interest is commercial buildings, but the same information may also be used in other sectors. The information is presented in terms of the design strategy, anatomy of building design and structural systems that are relevant to the multi-storey buildings. This publication on the concept design of multi-storey frames complements other parts of the guide.
The use of long span composite construction is considered to be a very important step towards the greater use of steel in multi-storey buildings, and these forms of construction are emphasised in this publication. Cellular beams and perforated steel sections are promoted, as integrated solutions providing long spans without increasing overall floor depth. Long spans provide column-free adaptable space with fewer foundations. Integrated beams are also beneficial where the beam depth is minimised, such as in renovation applications. Other forms of floor construction, such as precast concrete units, are also covered.
Tables are provided for preliminary design of the various structural systems, with typical layouts, sizes and guidance on the key design issues.
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Size: 1.42 MB | Format: PDF | Year: 2010 | pages: 60
This publication presents information necessary to assist in the choice and use of steel structures at the concept design stage in modern single storey buildings. The primary sector of interest is industrial buildings, but the same information may also be used in other sectors, such as commercial, retail and leisure. The information is presented in terms of the design strategy, anatomy of building design and structural systems that are relevant to the single storey buildings. Other parts in the guide cover loading, the concept design of portal frames, the concept design of trusses and cladding.
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Size: 0.75 MB | Format: PDF | Year: 2010 | pages: 64
This document provides guidelines for the determination of the actions on a single-storey building according to EN 1990 and EN 1991. After a short description of the general format for limit state design, this guide provides information on the determination of the permanent loads, the variable actions and the combinations of actions. The determination of the snow loads and the calculation of the wind action are described and summarized in comprehensive flowcharts. Simple worked examples on the snow loads and the wind action are also included.
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Size: 0.87 MB | Format: PDF | Year: 2010 | pages: 135
This publication provides guidance on the detailed design of portal frames to the Eurocodes. An introductory section reviews the advantages of portal frame construction and clarifies that the scope of this publication is limited to portal frames without ties between eaves. Most of the guidance is related to single span frames, with limited guidance for multi-span frames.
The publication provides guidance on:
The importance of second order effects in portal frames
The use of elastic and plastic analysis
Design at the Ultimate and Serviceability Limit States
Element design: cross-section resistance and member stability
Secondary structure: gable columns, bracing and eaves members.
The document includes a worked example, demonstrating the assessment of sensitivity to second order effects, and the verification of the primary members.
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