Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Addinng a new section to Software Dept.
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Regarding to Software department we Have :
1- Software product
2-Software Request
3-Software problems (for installation softwares only)

I suggest to add a new section to be

4- Software Sientific Descussions
-CSI Products

everyone has any prroblem can add in this section and this will be a good reference for all.

My point of view is quite different. I am sharing it with you just to give you another opinion. Actually I don't care about the modifications of the sections, that's why it is something like 'side view'.

I think that the division of the sections is useless, and doesn't bring any order, as it would seem to the people that don't use the software. There is only need for one thread for a software - not separated: one for the setup package, other the licensing problems, another for installing problems, and at the end user-discussion. We are not here neither dealers of pirate programs, nor only users that have the progs installed by somebody else, nor we are system administrators that only install the program and never use it. And what about some 'subject discussions', i.e. comparing different programs, questions about which one is more suitable? And what about the actual information on a single program? It will be separated in 3 threads, each one with last post with different time. So it will not be obvious what is the last situation.

At the end such separation will bring more unanswered questions, misunderstandings, and at the end the forum will be full with useless information. take a look at the other forums - there is a header which consists of the latest versions, licenses, solution of common problems, and then it is followed by free discussion.

I am not forcing anybody to accept this, just sharing experience and point of view. For me personally it doesn't matter, but it seems that after one more year the forum will have hundreds of subsections, so the only way of browsing it will be the 'search engine'. BTW, even now I already stopped browsing it in the 'section way', but just searching. :JC_cheers:
There is one forum with titel problems
users add all posts under this section
why we do not prepare a new section to collect these problems to be collected and arranged under one subtitle....
so we can exchange opinions and ideas for modelling and structural problems with softwares....
we can update our knowledge and experience if we arrange all of the practical problems that face us as structural engineers....

I fully agree with ynopum!

The concession provided is only due to the minimalist division proposed already by BennyP. Nothing more!

Dell Brett
Ok Dell Brett...
I agree with you and yonpum...
And I have other idea to collect this information
we have Section " Problems"
this section is mixed with all type of informations
inside this section we can collect all subject related to csi software to be collected under one titel
same issue for Autodesk
same isssue for Bently programs

Now If any user want to add or search for any scientific desccussion regarding to Sap program as example...Just he will go to problems --> CSI descussions

Let´s see how it´s works... The forum is growing and the changes must be step by step..
I want to software moderator decided about this.

Let´s see others point of view, including BennyP´s opinion about this!


Dell Brett
The division of Software subforum in Product, Request and Problems was a long time studied subject and i'm glad it was implemented.
Still many users don't read the sticky requests where to post and the explanation of every subsection about it's content but is better than before.
Software Scientific Discussions are posted in Problems and maybe we can add a Software Scientific Problems (Discussions) as micheil.edwar suggested in his old post or more than one subsection as in his last.
Don't forget, the software scientific problems is a huge subject and i prefer to moderate a software forum where i can sometimes to give solutions and users can find software to test.
The new section can be moderated by any moderator (including me) but the answers will be provided by users using the same software or by experimented engineers.
Sometimes it is not a software scientific problem but an engineering understanding problem and the only relation with a software is the fact user use it (the program) for resolving, instead of a manual calculation, or a spreadsheet.