11-18-2010, 12:40 PM
ACI SP-230-53 Guide Examples for Design of Concrete Reinforced with FRP Bars
Keywords: codes and standards; concrete design; FRP reinforcement
Synopsis:This paper presents design examples that illustrate the interaction of design parameters, to examine some of the more critical issues and challenges that arise when designing FRP-RC to satisfy ultimate strength and serviceability criteria using the ACI 440.1R-03 Guide. A spreadsheet program was written for flexural and serviceability analysis and design of concrete sections reinforced with a single layer of glass or carbon FRP bars. Analysis and design examples were developed and design aids were constructed to assist in economically and efficiently sizing FRP-reinforced concrete members. Potential difficulties that arise from the inherent nature of FRP-reinforced concrete failure modes have been identified and explored.
by W.K. Feeser and V.L. Brown
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