11-13-2010, 07:05 PM
Steel Member Reinforcing, Reinforcement Analysis
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Spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis and code checking of steel members with various types of reinforcement configurations. Specifically, members are analyzed / code checked per the AISC 9th Edition Allowable Stress Design (ASD) Manual. Both actual and allowable stresses are computed, with the final result being a computed "stress ratio" of actual stress/allowable stress. Both the intermediate and end weld requirements for attaching the reinforcing to the existing member are determined.
Analysis of Existing Member Reinforced with:
- Plate at Bottom
- WT Section at Bottom
- I-Beam at Bottom
- 4 Symmetric Angles
- 4 Symmetric Round Bars
- Top & Bottom Plates
- 2 WT's (webs toed in)
- 2 WT's (webs toed out)
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