Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Modeling for Structural Analysis by Graham Powell
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Hi all,

Ive heard the following new book (or new edition?) will be very helpful in modelling the stucture.

Modeling for Structural Analysis
by Graham Powell

Dr. Powell, Professor Emeritus at the University of California - Berkeley, presents in this new book a common-sense approach for the modern world, where structural analysis is typically done by computer, and where modeling (setting up a useful analysis model) and interpretation (using analysis results to make design decisions) can be more important than analysis theory and computational methods. The book emphasizes behavior, and how this behavior can be modeled for analysis. It shows that structural analysis is at best approximate, and explains how "capacity design" can be used to improve performance.

Looking for someone who had it and willing to share.. :hunter:

Can anybody please upload this book to our forum ???
Anybody has this book yet?

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Anybody has this book??
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Can anyone share this book!
Updating huuuge request! Cutesmile
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