Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: AISC Steel Manual in metric units
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I wonder if there is AISC steel manual (13th edition or any latest version) available in SI metric units or not?

If any body having this manual in SI units, please upload!
yes US customary units is a barrier for me to understand the equations derived. the AISC Metrics Edition was introduced by Cynthia J. Lanz in 2001, but till now i don't hear a progress and i didn't find as ACI-318M does.

Source: Modern Steel Construction / May 2001
"One visible change throughout this version of the AISC LRFD Specification is the conversion to dual units format, U.S. Customary units and SI (metric) units. AISC introduced a metric conversion of the 1993 LRFD Specification in 1994.
The 1999 LRFD Specification will combine the two by providing metric equivalents in parentheses following the U.S. Customary unit value. The metric conversions are based on ASTM E380, Standard Practice for Use of the International System of Units (SI). Equations are also presented in dual format.
Where possible, they are non-dimensionalized by factoring out material constants, such as E and G; otherwise the metric version is listed separately. This is in response to an ongoing domestic movement to use the metric system of measurement, largely led by government agencies, as well as broader interest in relating and participating in the international arena, which is almost exclusively based on the SI system."