Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: BENNY K user problem
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Dear all, specially the ADMIN,

Regarding user BENNYK, not BENNYP, iv helped this user in many posts and in return he gave me some thanks for the posts and also added me as a buddy in civilea but since last two weeks im receiving his email messages at my personal email address about his getting banned in this forum. as im not a moderator/admin/vip i cannot help except to post here...i checked his profile some days ago and i didnt find anything banned there...may be its problem with only his profile or some bug in our software. i dont know...i just want to inform you guyz about it that i can reply BENNYK appropriately from my personal email after getting the situation whats going on btw admin and this user...

im not here to support this member if he is a cheater, i just want to know if the user has good reputation and if there is some genuine problem with our forum then i will continue to contact him by email otherwise i will say him good bye...
please clear this issue for me...or may be he is contacting other members too...?

here is first email
Dear coolestbliss,
Sorry late reply your message.
I'm not fully healthy for several days, I just visit my e-mail box & civilea today
I really shock know that I'm banned from civilea.
I try to reply answer in my thread & appear message that I'm banned / waiting activation.
I really don't know what happen.
I try to contact several moderators, only kowheng who try to answer it
He said don't know why I'm banned, maybe the protector ( Bennyp) know it.
I guess BennyP banned me, I really don't know why I'm banned ?
I just give appreciation to others members by giving reputation & thanks that all.

I still don't know why reputation disabled from our civilea.
I hope e-mail button not disabled too, if this happen, we can not contact other member
No problem you have 1 year experience, I just student.
If possible, I will discuss with you via e-mail
Thanks & success with your work

here is 2nd email

Dear Rana,
Today I got message in my CivilEA :
Your forum account is currently banned. Ban Reason: Nagger
Ban will be lifted: Never
I can not use "new reply" button & "new thread button" since 13 Oct 2010
I ask so many time to Admin & Moderator why I'm banned, no one give me explanation what is my mistake
And they punish me with reason nagger ?
It really unfair ...
Admin is from Iran, surely he is "Shia" & Indonesia is "Sunni"
I think that is the simple answer why he kick me out of civilea
I really frustrated with this unfair punishment, may Allah burn them ( syaitan conspiracy ) who did it in deepest hell forever !

I just need your help once.
Plz ...see at forum software problem, in my thread with title "modeling problem" plz look at michel.edwar profile ..try to contact him ... I just want to know his e-mail address
I need help from him for my class project.
I beg to you ... help me just once only, I need "michel.edwar" e-mail address
Waiting your help

Enfasised by BennyP
Yes, this user is a nagger. If an user spend almost all his time in forum checking other users profiles, sending emails and writing messages to all for me is a nagger.
I banned him only two days ago but his posting rights was suspended before.
When an user (and we have at least one supposed to be his mentor) only try to write and one more time to write, to enter every time profiles of users and after giving reputation to notify every one, congratulate and chat without reading the new posts, without reading no one from the thousands of valuable old posts in this forum, i think he is a problem.
Look at his sentence about Shia and Sunni.
Only for this sentence he must be banned.
We are here from every place around the world, all the nationalities and all the religions.
We are here for sharing knowledge and for learning from others.
I recommend to every new user to read old posts in forum, to learn from other's posts, to understand the rules and not to jump giving suggestions to moderators and to fill threads and profiles with too much words.
For the first time in this forum, i am taking a bold stand.
I do not know what our forum team will do with my membership but it would be satisfying for me and my soul to confess some mistakes i made in this forum.

after sharing with you guyz BENNYK email, i felt sorry for what i did (shared personal message with public). BENNYK (to me, regardless of his reputation in this particular forum) , send me a personal message and i shared it with public for my own confusion..that i confess now, in front of public, was a wrong move by me.

After editing the post by BENNYP (our moderator), i didnt see the EDIT button to edit my post?

BENNYP (our moderator) should not have made the SHIA-SUNNI words by BENNYK, BOLD and in RED COLOR. (Its my opinion)...because this statement was a personal thinking which he didnt shared with public in this forum but rather in a personal message...any body in this world can think about any thing...he followed the rules of this forum atleast for this SHIA-SUNNI thing because he didnt post anything in this forum regarding relgious discrimination rather he just trusted me and shared with me in his personal message.

I AM NOT HERE TO SUPPORT BENNYK, rather to confess my mistake about this post and to publish my personal opinion about the act which BENNYP (our moderator) has made.

Now i will talk about the BAN thing....(only my personal view)
What i think is (moderators can correct me, if i am wrong and they should!) BENNYK violated some rules of the forum but didnt receive explanation about suspension of his posting rights. he tried to contact the mods but didnt get explanation. then he got banned (because he is saying in the emails that he does not know why he got banned)
He is also begging to get the email of MICHEL.EDWAR user regarding MODELLING PROBLEM because he is already banned and want to contact the user by email.

I do not see anything bad for contacting the users of this forum by email through this forum. oh yes, i feel bad if some one gives some one reputation points and then say in his profile comments that i awarded you point. this i confess..

and in the last...a suggestion..after getting completely banned, a user must be allowed to give his explanation in the court of public or lets say we can create a new section FINAL EXPLANATION FOR least for 1 time, the banned user should have the right to make a final and firm stand and publish his comments proving the innocene....and i do believe any body who is NON serious will not waste his time in preparing a response/appeal to his banning. yes only SERIOUS members searching for knowledge and confessing their mistakes will DO...

I didnt write this all because BENNYK contacted me again...rather he didnt contact me after my this post...but i am once again feeling ashamed and sorry infront of users of this forum and specially our banned member BENNYK for hurting his trust to post his personal email to this public forum....
Now i cannot see the EDIT POST option after posting in any of my post (not even this one)....does BENNYP (our moderator) lifted that right from me???
just an addition (not spamming)
our moderator BENNYP wrote in post#1 at the end Enfasised by BennyP
i am not pointing out spelling/grammer mistakes but as now i am more interested in this post i want to know what is the meaning of ENFASISED..i googled the word but its not an english word. my common sense says it is Emphasised
Dear coolestbliss,

First of all, congratulations for your courage and strength of character to express their doubts and feelings so brave and open!

Secondly, we all make mistakes! I did a lot of them is this forum, and someone I'm very abashed about! So, no mistakes only the coward who is unable to take action!

About BennK, consider this points:
1- This is essentially a forum for links to pirated software and books where they infringe copyright laws, therefore all of us moderators we run a risk (measured, of course) but we know that we must self-preserve! And knows that we must preserve our forum!

2- Any new member can't use a Nick name as BennyK and a Cat as Avatar without previous knowledge about the forum... Consequently, he falls into one of these categories:
2.1 - It's an existing member who is a fan of BennyP and want to pay tribute to it (child, but plausible!), So he abandoned his old record and created a new "customized";
2.2 - It was directed by someone who knows the forum;
2.3 - Wanted to be provocative (I'm sure that does not fit the category naive, because knowing a little BennyP is easy to conclude that it should not be playing with him!) And thus he defied our Protector.

Now, joining what I mentioned in 1. and 2. you can imagine we have to fear the worst? Between being a childish prank, bad taste, to be a member dangerous, the risks we take make us opt for extreme caution.

As to guide or warn him about the behavior, consider that was used the criterion, valid for all, of warning of negative score. he don't was banned without high warm score!!! Moreover, no action was taken without the matter being discussed in the restricted moderators forum, with the belief (or inaction) of all!

Finally, I also understand your point of view about the accuracy of moderation. I've been criticized for being too closely "soft" and "diplomat" as well as BennyP has been criticized for being "tough" line. Such is life, so are the people and it is precisely this mixing we find in real life. And it is this blend that brings common sense and balance, although not always agree!

Do not know if I could explain to him that question, but I advise you, in the deep of my heart, who hold that his bold decision to expose what ever without fear!

I admire you!

My kindly regards!

Dell Brett

Just a joke: I'm not good in English language... I joined in this forum to LEARN and practice my (bad) English...
The owner (Admin) and most of all moderators are not native English...

something important here!

what our moderators think about BENNYK and PALADIN (BENNYK you already know and PALADIN got banned just now some time ago)...

What i found common b.w two:-

1) both were interested in ETABS modelling
2) both contacted me via my personal email
3) writing and highlighting style of their personal email is same
4) My post#3 was inspired by user PALADIN via my personal email that you should not publish personal emails on civilea. then i replied him..okay i understand your point and i have applogized in forum for my action...but i see you are also banned...any reason?
5) both got banned and asking the reason and blaming BENNYP
6) both users were taling abour religion and reward in this world and next...

then user PALADIN sent me 3 emails all at once asking me to ASK DELL BRETT & MR. GRUNF to contact PALADIN by email for explanation of banning. He also said one of moderators (BENNYP) is misusing his powers...

After careful analaysis i think both users are same! what do you think moderators? why they are targetting me to ask moderators for their help? am i supposed to do so? i dont want to be an advocate of any user who is a cheater...i need explanation from moderators over this issue

now PALADIN is asking me to contact DELL BRETT & GRUNF via private message/email ONLY WHEN THEY ARE ONLINE!

I am worried about hacking issue....are they hackers? want to hack our forum or my email? what the issue!
if a user think because of religion religion i ban a user it is better we miss that user.
think great...
I`m admin of here & if i want i can limited every user that i want ...
here is scientific place not religious place, not mosque, church, ...
please stop childlike speaks.

may be my idea to make CivilEA as private forum with selected limited user is good & i think about it more than past ....

Dear coolestbliss,

About your EDIT POSTS i have no idea. I know user can edit his posts a short time after posting but is not related to my editing.
I don't remember you asked me if to share private mail but my opinion about BennyK didn't change too much after reading his mail.
I didn't banned him because i don't like his kickname or his avatar (i realy don't like and when he began to post some users wondered about this similarity).
I watched him and his friend for two weeks at least and we decided, we don't need such user here.
About your suggestion. We (the moderators) always discuss before deciding something important (including banning) but again this is private forum and not a parliament.
I enfasised the words of BennyK (where is the problem, if the characters are blue is not the same ?) because in my opinion is a shame even to think about Admin in this manner and "may Allah burn them" is not a compliment.
Today i banned two other users: Paladin and Saladin. I watched Paladin and BennyK for a long time and after banning BennyK one day after registered Saladin (very smart name selection). Immediately after registration he ran to give thanks to every post of Paladin as BennyK gave thanks and reputation to Paladin. I hope this short esplanation respond to some of your questions even if my english is worse than Dell's or BennyK english.
I banned cheaters in the past and i will continue even if they are friends of someone here.
Your reputation and the appreciation of others is based on your activity here and not on the points given by BennyK, it is not connected to your country, your religion or if i like or not your president or prime minister.
Before sending this post i saw your new post and yes, we saw all those similarities from the first day but i don't ban user without deeply checking. I'm happy you understand some facts now and believe me i try to not misuse my power.
Dear coolestbliss,

Don't bother with those kind of members - they have some personality disorder or something similar. It is not normal to have duplicated account in the forum - one clone is asking questions and other one is making reply's - one word: childishly .... ooooor when one of them is banned (BennyK), then new one apears to press THANKS button to all of the Paladin's posts - is this normal, is this common sense - not... If they are some kind of hackers we would have much more serious problems rather to fight with useless posts... You can make a restrictions to your e-mail account to get rid of unwanted e-mails. We have our ways to hunt down duplicated members (clones) and to ban them for breaking the rule #4. All in all how low member have to get to make two accounts in CivilEA so one account is used to press THANKS button to other account? This is just childishly (immature)...

With regards
I agree with all of my moderators and specially thanks to GRUNF for clearing my doubt and to ban those users also from my email...that was the answer (clear and direct i wanted...that how to handle those from my email)...

I didnt talk about politics, parliament, prime minister or president or even religion or even childish. So please do not see me in these contexts and i am happy to see our moderators and admin. doing a great job here.

The situation is clear now and we must close the topic now...
thats my final reply...thank u all ppl. Now i know how to handle those cheaters and to get rid of them from my personal email....
well sorry for jumping into this but.... why cant we belong to same community...? called civil engineering or above it say "civilea"?... i feel very bad today reading comment on religion .... well increasing the popularity makes the tough task for moderators too.... we always be with the moderators....especially BennyP.... anyway the there may be different perspective of every user for using this forum....
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