Volume 9, No.1, February
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Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering: Volume 9, Number 3, June
Author: Various | Size: 17.9 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Sptinger | Year: 2011 | pages: 195
Special Issue: The L'Aquila Earthquake - A View of Site Effects and Structural Behavior from Temporary Networks
01. The L’Aquila earthquake—A view of site effects and building behavior from temporary networks
Giovanna Cultrera, Marco Mucciarelli and Stefano Parolai
02. Evaluation of site effects in the Aterno river valley (Central Italy) from aftershocks of the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake
F. Bergamaschi, G. Cultrera, L. Luzi, R. M. Azzara and G. Ameri, et al.
03. Separation of source and site effects by generalized inversion technique using the aftershock recordings of the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake
G. Ameri, A. Oth, M. Pilz, D. Bindi and S. Parolai, et al.
04. The contribution of seismic data in microzonation studies for downtown L’Aquila
G. Milana, R. M. Azzara, E. Bertrand, P. Bordoni and F. Cara, et al.
05. Seismic response of L’Aquila downtown from comparison between 2D synthetics spectral ratios of SH, P-SV and Rayleigh waves and observations of the 2009 earthquake sequence
Paola Bordoni, John Haines, Giuliano Milana, Sandro Marcucci and Fabrizio Cara, et al.
06. Local variability of the ground shaking during the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (April 6, 2009—Mw 6.3): the case study of Onna and Monticchio villages
G. Di Giulio, S. Marzorati, F. Bergamaschi, P. Bordoni and F. Cara, et al.
07. Site effects of the Roio basin, L’Aquila
E. Bertrand, A.-M. Duval, J. Régnier, R. M. Azzara and F. Bergamashi, et al.
08. Peculiar earthquake damage on a reinforced concrete building in San Gregorio (L’Aquila, Italy): site effects or building defects?
Marco Mucciarelli, Marcello Bianca, Rocco Ditommaso, Marco Vona and Maria Rosaria Gallipoli, et al.
09. Site effects “on the rock”: the case of Castelvecchio Subequo (L’Aquila, central Italy)
S. Marzorati, C. Ladina, E. Falcucci, S. Gori and M. Saroli, et al.
10. Frequency variation in site response as observed from strong motion data of the L’Aquila (2009) seismic sequence
R. Puglia, R. Ditommaso, F. Pacor, M. Mucciarelli and L. Luzi, et al.
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Open access papers: These can be downloaded separately direct from SpringerLink
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering: Volume 9, Number 4, August
Author: Various | Size: 23 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Sptinger | Year: 2011 | pages: 404
01. Quantification of ground-motion parameters and response spectra in the near-fault region
R. Rupakhety, S. U. Sigurdsson, A. S. Papageorgiou and R. Sigbjörnsson
02. Assessment of ground motion variability and its effects on seismic hazard analysis: a case study for iceland
Teraphan Ornthammarath, John Douglas, Ragnar Sigbjörnsson and Carlo Giovanni Lai
03. Real-time mapping of earthquake-induced landslides
Amir M. Kaynia, Elin Skurtveit and Gokhan Saygili
04. Seismic analysis of deep tunnels in near fault conditions: a case study in Southern Italy
Mirko Corigliano, Laura Scandella, Carlo G. Lai and Roberto Paolucci
05. A decision support system for post-earthquake reliability assessment of structures subjected to aftershocks: an application to L’Aquila earthquake, 2009
Fatemeh Jalayer, Domenico Asprone, Andrea Prota and Gaetano Manfredi
06. Damage data analysis and vulnerability estimation following the August 14, 2003 Lefkada Island, Greece, Earthquake
Faye S. Karababa and Antonios Pomonis
07. Analytical investigation of the observed damage in an RC building after March 08, 2010 Kovancilar-Turkey earthquake
Beyza Taskin and Ulgen Mert Tugsal
08. Seismic vulnerability and risk assessment: case study of the historic city centre of Coimbra, Portugal
Romeu Vicente, Sonia Parodi, Sergio Lagomarsino, Humberto Varum and J. A. R. Mendes Silva
09. Lateral stiffness estimation in frames and its implementation to continuum models for linear and nonlinear static analysis
Tuba Eroğlu and Sinan Akkar
10. Floor spectra of mixed base isolated structures
Ioannis Politopoulos and Hoan Khac Pham
11. Simplified estimation of seismic risk for reinforced concrete buildings with consideration of corrosion over time
Daniel Celarec, Dimitrios Vamvatsikos and Matjaž Dolšek
12. Earthquake performance improvement of low rise RC buildings using high strength clay brick walls
E. Yuksel and P. Teymur
13. Assessing the seismic response of existing RC buildings using the extended N2 method
C. Bhatt and R. Bento
14. Protecting vibration-sensitive contents: an investigation of floor accelerations in seismically isolated buildings
Cenk Alhan and Furkan Şahin
15. Effects of air temperature on the cyclic behavior of elastomeric seismic isolators
Donatello Cardone, Giuseppe Gesualdi and Domenico Nigro
16. Erratum to: Effects of air temperature on the cyclic behavior of elastomeric seismic isolators
Donatello Cardone, Giuseppe Gesualdi and Domenico Nigro
17. Displacement reducer fuses for improving seismic performance of caisson quay walls
Amirali Mostafavi Moghadam, Abbas Ghalandarzadeh, Majid Moradi, Ikuo Towhata and Pouria Hajialikhani
18. Comment on Sousa, M. L. and Costa, A. C., “Ground motion scenarios consistent with probabilistic seismic hazard disaggregation analysis. Application to Mainland Portugal”
João F. B. D. Fonseca and Susana P. Vilanova
19. Reply to “Comment on Sousa, M.L. and Costa, A.C., ‘ground-motion scenarios consistent with probabilistic seismic hazard disaggregation analysis. Application to Mainland Portugal’ ” by João F. B. D. Fonseca and Susana P. Vilanova
Maria Luísa Sousa and Alfredo Campos Costa
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