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Vibrations in Rotating Machinery

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Vibrations in Rotating Machinery

Seventh International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery
Publisher: Wiley 2000-11-09
ISBN: 1860582737
PDF 760 pages 54.62 MB

"Vibrations in Rotating Machinery" provides an opportunity for the reader to be informed of new developments and industrial applications of current trechnology relevant to the vibration of machines and assemblies. The papers included in this volume have been prepared by leading experts from a wide international field including Europe, USA, Australia, Japan, Korea and South America. Covering all aspects of rotating machinery vibration such as: bladed systems; bearings and seals; balancing; condition monitoring and cracked rotors; impacts and rub; identification; theoretical considerations; and active control. "Vibrations in Rotating Machinery" should be of interest to: academics and industrialists associated with research, design and development; and those concerned with solving the practical problems that arise from the design, manufacture and operation of machines, and other rotating assemblies which embody primary rotating elements.

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