Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: section cut in STAADPRO ,??
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the notion of the cut section developed by the software STAAD is important and leads the designer to use it to determine internal efforts in other to determine exactly steels section for wall .

I have repeatedly try to uliliser but I could not.
if somebody try, I'll be happy if it broadcasts the method recommended by the Staad
The purpose of staad section command is not what you are expecting that if you cut a section in a wall it will show the reinforcements in that particular wall. Staad is not a drafting software where the section implies that you can see what is inside in the element being cut through.

The purpose of section command in staad is to be able to isolate certain levels/section in your frame for easy viewing and easy selection and application of properties and loads in your frame this is very handy for a very complex model like high rise and commercial buildings.
the concept of "cut" section is represented by the SOFTWAR STAAD by "Along line results." after clicking on this icon, you touver two icons
01) cut in line by
02) cut by plane
you'll find two icons
01) cut in line by
02) cut by plane
You are making me confused with your question but I get what you mean you are not actually asking about the cut section command of staad as I initially explained but you are rather interested in the output of the finite element stress contour which can then be further isolated by either using cut by a line or cut by a plane sub-command.

In the initial output of the finite element analysis in staad it will give you a stress contour for the whole plate but you can however cut a section to view the stresses along the section that is being cut. There are two ways to cut a section by using a line or a plane. In the first command (by line) you just draw a line from left to right or any direction then another line in a perpendicular direction to indicate the section you are looking at then it will create a section of your stress contour. For the second command (by plane) you will need to specify the coordinates of the first point then second and third point it is almost the same concept as the line command except that this can be controlled accurately by using coordinates.

this method is ill given by the software staadpro despite its great importance, that drives the engineers to use it;
advantage of this option is software CSI "section cut" that push the software engineers to use it