Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Time history function not working with moving load cases?
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I have created a linear direct integration time history load case, which contains a bridge live load pattern. This load pattern has a time history function associated.

The problem is that when I change the time history function, all the results stay the same...Even if I create a null time history function (all zeros throughout the time), I still get stresses and deformations in the structure, suggesting that the time history function is actually doing nothing!

Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug? I've seen that time history functions work with static load cases...Can't it work with moving load cases?

Any help will be mostly appreciated!

I think u should create moving load case that is presented as multi step static case. I know SAP2000 having this capabilities. In case you are interested in moving load dynamics i guess you should find other advanced software than SAP2000 as the equation of motion for dynamic interaction between vehicle and structure is quite complicated.

thank you for your suggestions! I'll have to do multi step static case then...